Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1       To present the draft corporate improvement objectives for 2020 - 2021 and to seek Committee approval to issue these for public consultation in line with our statutory obligations.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to consider the draft improvement objectives for 2020-21, and subject to any refinements, to authorise the public consultation required as part of the council’s improvement duty.  The proposed improvement objectives for 2020-21 are as follows: 


  Working & Learning

We will support people into employment

Growing the Economy

We will support investment and business growth in the city

City Development

We will support the regeneration of the city centre

Living Here

We will support people to lead healthier more active livesby improving the quality of our parks and open spaces and increasing participation in physical activity and sport programmes

Resilience and Sustainability

We will enhance the city’s capacity to respond to shocks and stresses

We will increase levels of household recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill

Organisational Priorities 

We will improve council services and increase customer satisfaction with council


































2.2       More information on the improvement objectives, including indicative actions, is contained in Appendix 1. Subject to feedback from the public consultation, detailed actions, performance targets and alignment to inclusive growth will be developed. 


3.0       Key Issues




3.1       Council has a statutory requirement to produce an annual improvement plan that sets out our improvement objectives for the year ahead.  The Improvement objectives and plan does not include everything that council plans to do that year, but instead focuses on a smaller set of key improvement priorities, as informed by resident priorities and evidenced by need. 


            Review and Development of our Improvement Objectives


3.2       In 2017-18, we aligned our improvement objectives to the key priorities within the Belfast Agenda.  The Belfast Agenda is the overarching strategic plan for the city.  Developed following extensive engagement and analysis, it articulates the key priorities for the city and provides a robust basis for both our corporate plan and our improvement objectives.  As a result of this alignment, our objectives are outcome based and strategic in nature, so although we update the improvement actions on an annual basis, the improvement objectives themselves are likely to remain valid to 2023 (i.e. aligned to the four yearly cycle of the Belfast Agenda planning). 


3.3       Each year however, the council’s strategic hub reviews the improvement objectives to determine whether they are still valid and appropriate.  For 2020-21, we are recommending that council retains last year’s improvement objectives but includes a new improvement objective related to resilience and sustainability. This reflects the growing importance of this issue and the ongoing work in relation to the City Development priority.  It also provides a direct read across against the priorities in our new draft four-year corporate plan.  As a result, the existing improvement objective relating to recycling and waste will move from City Development to Resilience and Sustainability.  Members should also note that our ‘inclusive growth’ ambitions have been embedded within the improvement objective actions and associated planning and monitoring process.


3.4       The rationale for the proposed improvement objectives, along with indicative actions for 2020-21, is attached at appendix 1.  In developing the improvement objectives and actions, we have taken account of previous and ongoing public and stakeholder consultations, updated performance data and Belfast Agenda programming to assess ongoing need.   Feedback from the Local Government Auditor has also informed in terms of our review and development process.


            Next Steps


3.5       Although the objectives are aligned to the Belfast Agenda and the extensive engagement that accompanied its development, we are obliged to consult with residents and key stakeholders regarding our annual improvement objectives. Subject to Committee approval, the draft improvement objectives will be issued for public consultation via our on-line platform for a period of 8 weeks with targeted outreach through existing council communication channels.


3.6       Council is legally required to publish its Improvement Plan by 30th June each year.   A report will be brought to SP&R in May outlining the results of the consultation and any recommended changes; a draft Improvement Plan will also be presented for approval so that a final plan can be published on the council website before the end of June. 


3.7       Financial and Resource Implications


            There are no resource implications arising directly from this report. 


3.8       Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no equality or rural need implications arising directly from this report.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: