Agenda item


Approved with authority delegated to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of conditions and to enter into a Section 76 planning agreement securing green transport measures as detailed in the officer report. Conditions as recommended in the officer report to be incorporated into the permission.


a.      Scale, height and massing is considered acceptable having regard to the site context and surrounding area and the solid to void ratios of the proposed development. The Urban Design Officer was consulted and has found the proposed development acceptable.

b.      The design approach has satisfactorily managed issues in respect of dominance, streetscape and adjacent buildings.

c.      Planning precedent in the form of an extant permission supports the principle of height at this location with the tower element considered visually acceptable from key locations.

d.      Active frontage on the Laganbank Road elevation creates animation mitigating against the visual impact of the building at this location.

e.      Materials in the form of glass and brick are considered acceptable and consistent with the area.

f.       Officer assessment indicates that the proposed development does not detrimentally impact in terms of overshadowing or overlooking/privacy.

g.      Residential amenity space is considered adequate having regard to the location of the building and access to nearby public amenities.

h.      For the reasons stated I am satisfied the relevant policy requirements of PQ D1 PPS7 and OS2 PPS8 are met, as was BUAP CC12.

i.        It is accepted that the officer approach in respect of guidance relating to space standards allows for discretion to be applied having regard to the application of that standard to established residential areas of medium to low density and further having regard to the fact that actual apartment sizes relative to that standard shows a margin of difference that may be described as slight.

j.        Roads/Transport- it is noted that DFI Roads has offered no objection to the proposed development. It is further noted that the location of the proposed development is convenient to established public transport infrastructure including the Glider and Lanyon Station and is also located close to established centres of employment accessible by pedestrian and cycle routes. A green travel plan secured by way of Section 76 agreement will further address any relevant issues.

k.      Impact on civil aviation-it is noted that the proposed development is marginally higher than that permissible in terms of applicable policy at this location. However the existence of other tall buildings in the locality negates the impact that this particular development may have in terms of air safety. It is also noted that Belfast City Airport was consulted and offered no objection to the proposed development.

l.         There are no objections from statutory consultees.

m.      It is not accepted that the proposed development would adversely impact tourism.

n.       The decision is taken within the scheme of delegation approved by the Council and on which the Department for Infrastructure has been consulted. All representations have been reviewed.

o.      The members of the Planning Committee have been consulted and the consensus of views would be supportive of an approval in accordance with the officer recommendation.


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