Agenda item


            In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor McReynolds proposed:


‘‘In the wake of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this Council recognises the need for a reformed, fairer welfare system that protects everyone in society and acknowledges the need to provide economic security for all to invest in people, protect livelihoods and kick-start the economy.


Additionally, this Council reaffirms our support for the investigation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Northern Ireland, recognising the need for a radical overhaul of the welfare state and the positive impact this would have on poverty alleviation, inequality and mental health.


Accordingly, Belfast City Council calls on the Departments of Communities, Finance and the UK Treasury to design and deliver a recovery UBI for Northern Ireland, and will commit to producing a plan for how such a pilot could be implemented in Belfast.”


            The motion was seconded by Councillor Heading.


Amendment (1)


            Councillor Garrett requested that the proposer amend his motion with the following:


            The replacement of the second and third paragraphs with:


“Additionally, this Council reaffirms our support for the investigation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI).


Accordingly, Belfast City Council calls on the Departments of Communities, Finance and the British Treasury to carry out a feasibility study on a UBI and report back to the Council.”


            The proposer declined the request and, accordingly, Councillor Garrett proposed the amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Walsh.


Amendment (2)


            Councillor Matt Collins requested that the motion be amended to provide that, after the first two paragraphs, it read as follows:


“Accordingly, Belfast City Council calls on the Departments of Communities, Finance and the UK Treasury to investigate the design and delivery of a recovery UBI for Northern Ireland, and will commit to producing a plan for how such a pilot could be implemented in Belfast


To this end, Council would consider supporting such a move, provided it included that:


-         it is funded through progressive taxation, to ensure the wealthiest shoulder the burden of payment


-         it is tied to inflation, ensuring the basic income continues to provide enough funding as prices rise


-         it is supplementary to an expansion of currently existing social security benefits and welfare payments, rather than representing a replacement of those payments


-         it is introduced alongside a mandatory living wage, preventing bosses from sinking wages because their employees are in receipt of a basic income 


-         and finally, it is supplementary to the delivery of Basic Services for all.”


            Councillor Garrett requested the aforementioned amendment be revised with the substitution of the words “provided it included that” withfollowing a report back to the Council which includes the following issues:” after the words “such a move”.


            Councillor Matt Collins acceded to the request.


            The proposer to the original motion, Councillor McReynolds agreed to accept the proposed amendments and Councillor Garrett withdrew his original amendment.


            Accordingly, the motion, as amended, was put to the Council and passed in the following form:


‘‘In the wake of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this Council recognises the need for a reformed, fairer welfare system that protects everyone in society and acknowledges the need to provide economic security for all to invest in people, protect livelihoods and kick-start the economy.


Additionally, this Council reaffirms our support for the investigation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Northern Ireland, recognising the need for a radical overhaul of the welfare state and the positive impact this would have on poverty alleviation, inequality and mental health.



“Accordingly, Belfast City Council calls on the Departments of Communities, Finance and the UK Treasury to investigate the design and delivery of a recovery UBI for Northern Ireland, and will commit to producing a plan for how such a pilot could be implemented in Belfast


To this end, Council would consider supporting such a move, following a report back to the Council which includes the following issues:


-       it is funded through progressive taxation, to ensure the wealthiest shoulder the burden of payment

-       it is tied to inflation, ensuring the basic income continues to provide enough funding as prices rise

-       it is supplementary to an expansion of currently existing social security benefits and welfare payments, rather than representing a replacement of those payments

-       it is introduced alongside a mandatory living wage, preventing bosses from sinking wages because their employees are in receipt of a basic income 

-       and finally, it is supplementary to the delivery of Basic Services for all.”


Supporting documents: