· Kevin Monaghan (Divisional Roads Manager)
· GirvinMiskimmin (Belfast North Section Engineer)
· Peter McParland (Belfast South Section Engineer)
· Liz Loughran (Transport and Resources)
The Chairperson introduced Mr. K. Monaghan, Eastern Divisional Manager, Mr. G. Miskimmin, Belfast North Section Engineer, Mr. P. McParland, Belfast South Section Engineer, and Ms. L. Loughran, Director of Transport Policy in the Department for Infrastructure, to the Committee and they were admitted to the meeting.
Mr. Monaghan advised that 2020 had been an unprecedented year, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, their contractors had been working hard again since May to complete the schemes that were stopped as a result of the restrictions and DfI was now implementing its 2020 /21 works programme.
He provided the Committee with updates on the main strategic transportation schemes for the city.
In relation to the York Street Interchange, he advised that, in July 2020, the Minister had announced that an external review into the scheme would be undertaken to provide assurance on how and to what extent the scheme reflected key Ministerial, Executive and Council objectives and priorities, and this was to take place in Autumn 2020. He highlighted that the construction of the York Street Interchange would depend on the outcome of these reviews, satisfactory completion of an economic assessment, completion of the statutory process and would be subject to funding being made available in future budget settlements.
He provided Members with an update on the extension of the bus lanes along the M1 motorway by adding 1.7 km of new bus lanes from the approach to Junction 8 at Blaris to Junction 7 at Sprucefield. He informed the Committee that this added to the bus lanes that were introduced on the M1 and M2 motorways in March 2019 and completed the provision of M1 hard shoulder bus lanes between Sprucefield Park and Ride and Belfast and the extended bus lanes had opened on 10th August.
He reminded the Committee that, in relation to Phase II of the Belfast Rapid Transit, the proposal to extend the current BRT Glider network to serve North and South Belfast, together with an extension of the G2 Glider route to serve Queen’s University and the City Hospital, was one of the infrastructure projects included in the recently announced Belfast Region City Deal and preparatory work on this project was currently underway.
The Committee was provided with an overview of the DfI Roads Programme of Works for 2020/21 for those projects and schemes that had been completed and were in progress, which included updates on minor works, maintenance of structures and inspections. He also summarised the updates to network traffic and street lighting, collision remedial schemes, traffic schemes and pedestrian measures and resident’s parking schemes.
Mr. Monaghan highlighted the introduction of the Safer Routes to School Scheme, which implemented 20mph part time speed limits, and advised that 17 had been programmed for the Eastern Area this year, and that he would welcome any suggestions Members had in this regard.
Ms. Loughran provided an update on sustainable walking and cycling measures, together with social distancing measures that had been implemented. She advised of the infrastructure developments; and policy development and partnership working that had taken place. She highlighted that her team had developed a good working relationship with Council officers to take forward sustainable transport projects, greenways, and the Bolder Vision for Belfast. She pointed out that resources of her Department were being reviewed for the coming year, with the expectation to be able to deliver more.
During discussion, Mr. Monaghan answered a range of questions in relation to the progress and feasibility of a junction at Cregagh Road and Knock Road, concerns over the Shankill Gateway redesign, safety and traffic calming measures, E-scooter legislation, Belfast Rapid Transit phase 2 locations, and parking restrictions update at Adelaide Park and Malone Road. Members identified the priority need to address the infrastructure imbalance within the city centre, and in particular the need to address the connectivity issues and severance to local communities that are created by the Inner Ring and the connections into the city centre. A number of Members stressed the need to reprioritise these junctions to promote sustainable and active travel, and to minimise the severance to local communities, although some concerns were raised about the potential impact of road reprioritisation on local side streets. The Shankill Gateway scheme, within the current delivery timeframe, was highlighted as a key opportunity to identifying how the city infrastructure can bring forward modal shift, demand management and better place-making design.
In relation to the DfI Roads assessment of car parking requirements in regards to planning applications, the representatives explained the process further and stated that car club legislation and best practice would also be considered in their future work programme.
In response to a Member’s question about flooding in Clonduff Drive, since the completion of the Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, Mr. McParland advised that they were working with the Council Project Team to investigate the problem.
During further discussion, regarding the Cycling Strategy for the City and its targets, Members expressed their concern at the lack of progress on the Bicycle Network and other active travel measures. The representative’s explained the resource allocation and consultation requirements, and advised they would report back to the Committee on the extent of primary cycling network that was currently in place, and future proposals and timelines for delivery.
Regarding Resident’s Car Parking Scheme’s, Mr. Monaghan explained the current process and advised they would respond further in regard to the timeline for the review and the assessment and consultation process issues which had been raised. A number of members raised the issue of excessive parking within local communities that will be further amplified by developments such as the University of Ulster opening in 2021. Members identified Resident Parking Schemes as a critical element of delivering modal shift while minimising the impact on local communities and asked the representatives from the DfI to bring forward a city wide approach to managing this as a matter of priority.
The Members drew the attention of the officers from DfI Roads to a number of other matters, a number of suggestions which are set out hereunder:
· Street Lighting requirement on Grosvenor Road;
· The addition of Edenbrooke Primary School and Springfield Primary School to the Safer Routes to School Scheme;
· Consider dropped kerbs at Hemsworth Court, Lower Shankill Road.
· Resurfacing at Ambleside Street and Tennents Street;
· Further safety measures required at junctions at Bilston Road/Crumlin Road and the bottom of Ballysillan Park; and
· An update on the request for a controlled crossing requirement at Springfield Road.
Mr. Monaghan advised that, where relevant, action would be taken on these issues if it was deemed necessary after inspection.
After discussion, the Chairperson thanked the representatives for their attendance and they retired from the meeting.
The Committee noted the information which had been provided and that, where relevant, DfI Roads would provide further information on the issues raised.
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