In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Michael Collins proposed:
“This Council resolves to write to the First and Deputy First Minister surging them to pursue a Zero-Covid Strategy in order to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, to protect public health, safeguard jobs, and ensure a fairer economic recovery.
The Executive’s indecisiveness and failure to implement such a strategy, when community transmission was almost at zero, was a missed opportunity that prolonged and deepened this crisis.
By contrast, the Zero-Covid Strategy approach to the Covid-19 pandemic as adopted by New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, and China has minimised loss of life and livelihoods; with Asia-Pacific economies recovering faster and with lower death rates.
As opposed to the Executive's failed ‘Living with Covid’ approach, a Zero-Covid Strategy pursues an aggressive suppression of the virus with the goal of achieving zero community transmission – an achievable target for Ireland, an island country.
This necessitates the introduction of a fully funded and publicly owned track, trace and testing system, a significant limit on international travel, and major investment into our public health infrastructure: all of which could be funded through the introduction of a cross-border Zero-Covid Emergency Fund.
In order to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, protect public health and safeguard jobs: this Council pledges its support for a Zero-Covid Strategy."
The motion was seconded by Councillor Matt Collins.
Moved by Councillor Garrett,
Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin,
That the motion standing in the name of Councillor Michael Collins and seconded by Councillor Matt Collins be amended as follows:
“This Council resolves to write to Minister of Health urging him to bring forward a new robust strategy to the Executive, based on international best practice of Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support, in order to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, to protect public health, safeguard jobs, and ensure a fairer economic recovery.
Note with concern the miss-use of the cross community voting mechanism by DUP Ministers to block the Chief Medical Officer’s public health advice which led to confusion among the public and undermined the public health message.
Recognise the approach to the Covid-19 pandemic as adopted by New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, and China has minimised loss of life and livelihoods; with Asia-Pacific economies recovering faster and with lower death rates.
Acknowledge the need for a robust and fully resourced FTTIS system as part of an aggressive approach to suppress the virus, with the goal of achieving zero community transmission on the island of Ireland.
Supports the introduction of a fully funded and publicly owned track, trace and testing system, a vigilant system to monitor all travel onto the island, and major investment into our public health infrastructure: all of which could be funded through the introduction of a cross-border Covid-19 Emergency Fund that is informed by a coordinated approach to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, protect public health and safeguard jobs.”
Councillor Matt Collins requested that the proposer agree to insert the term Zero Covid Strategy into the first line of the proposed amendment.
Councillor Garrett declined the request.
After discussion, the proposed amended motion as set out hereunder, was put to the meeting:
“This Council resolves to write to Minister of Health urging him to bring forward a new robust strategy to the Executive, based on international best practice of Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support, in order to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, to protect public health, safeguard jobs, and ensure a fairer economic recovery.
Note with concern the miss-use of the cross community voting mechanism by DUP Ministers to block the Chief Medical Officer’s public health advice which led to confusion among the public and undermined the public health message.
Recognise the approach to the Covid-19 pandemic as adopted by New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, and China has minimised loss of life and livelihoods; with Asia-Pacific economies recovering faster and with lower death rates.
Acknowledge the need for a robust and fully resourced FTTIS system as part of an aggressive approach to suppress the virus, with the goal of achieving zero community transmission on the island of Ireland.
Supports the introduction of a fully funded and publicly owned track, trace and testing system, a vigilant system to monitor all travel onto the island, and major investment into our public health infrastructure: all of which could be funded through the introduction of a cross-border Covid-19 Emergency Fund that is informed by a coordinated approach to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns, protect public health and safeguard jobs.”
The Council proceeded to vote on the amended motion, with eighteen Members for and thirty-eight against and it was declared lost.
The Council further proceeded to vote on the substantive motion, with seven Members for and forty-nine against and it was declared lost.
Standing Order 13(f)
During debate on the previous motion, the Council’s attention was drawn to the fact that the time was approaching midnight.
The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Alderman McCoubrey proposed:
“That the meeting of the Council proceeded to consider the remainder of the Motions, as set out in the agenda.”
The Council proceeded to vote on the matter, with seven Members for and forty-nine against and it was declared lost.
The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor declared that the meeting of the Council would be adjourned until 7th December, 2020 at 6.00 p.m.
Supporting documents: