In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Ferguson proposed:
“This Council recognises the length of housing waiting lists across Belfast, the damaging impact on people and families waiting for a home, and the need for many more public houses to be built to address their need.
“The Council welcomes the launch of NIPSAs '21st Century Housing for NI' report earlier this year; agrees with the call from NIPSA for the Housing Executive to be safeguarded as a 'lynchpin of public housing policy'; and, accordingly, agrees to write to the Minister for Communities to state the Council's opposition to privatisation of or within the Housing Executive.
“Finally, the Council agrees to invite NIPSA representatives involved in producing their report to address the Council on the deleterious impact of privatisation of the Housing Executive, including moves towards a mutual/co-operative model, would have on the production of social housing, tenants’ rights, workers’ rights, and accountability.”
The motion was seconded by Councillor Matt Collins.
The proposer acceded to a request from Councillor Heading to include the following wording after the final paragraph of the motion: “Finally, this council recognises any decision to move the NIHE to a mutual/co-operative model should only be done by consent of the existing NIHE tenants and staff and therefore requests the Minister explores a consultation process that includes a vote on such matters by each existing tenant and staff member.”
After discussion, the following motion, as amended, was put to the Council:
“This Council recognises the length of housing waiting lists across Belfast, the damaging impact on people and families waiting for a home, and the need for many more public houses to be built to address their need.
The Council welcomes the launch of NIPSAs '21st Century Housing for NI' report earlier this year; agrees with the call from NIPSA for the Housing Executive to be safeguarded as a 'lynchpin of public housing policy'; and, accordingly, agrees to write to the Minister for Communities to state the Council's opposition to privatisation of or within the Housing Executive.
The Council agrees to invite NIPSA representatives involved in producing their report to address the Council on the deleterious impact of privatisation of the Housing Executive, including moves towards a mutual/co-operative model, would have on the production of social housing, tenants’ rights, workers’ rights, and accountability
Finally, this council recognises any decision to move the NIHE to a mutual/co-operative model should only be done by consent of the existing NIHE tenants and staff and therefore requests the Minister explores a consultation process that includes a vote on such matters by each existing tenant and staff member.”
On a recorded vote, twenty-two Members voted for the motion, as amended, and thirty-four against and it was declared lost.
For 22
Councillors Matt Collins, Michael Collins, De Faoite, Ferguson, Flynn, Groogan, Hanvey, Heading, Howard, Hutchinson, M. Kelly, Kyle, Lyons, McAllister, McKeown, McMullan, McReynolds, Mulholland, Nicholl, O’Hara, Smyth and Whyte
Against 34
The Lord Mayor (Alderman McCoubrey); The High Sheriff (Councillor Verner); Aldermen Copeland, Dorrian, Haire, Kingston, Rodgers and Sandford; and Councillors Beattie, Black, Bradley, Brooks, Bunting, Canavan, Carson, Cobain, Corr, Donnelly, Garrett, Gormley, Hussey, T. Kelly, Magee, Magennis, Maskey, McAteer, McCabe, McCullough, McLaughlin, Murphy, Newton, Pankhurst, Spratt and Walsh
Supporting documents: