Agenda item


Moved by Councillor Baker,

Seconded by Councillor Magee and


      That the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 9th February, 2021 and be approved and adopted.


Request for Matter to be Taken

Back for Further Consideration


            Knockbreda Road entrance to Cherryfield Playing Fields


            The Council agreed that the minute of the meeting of 19th February, under the heading “Knockbreda Road entrance to Cherryfield Playing Fields”, be taken back to the Committee for further consideration. 




Motion - Urgent action to address invasive odour in Collin


            (Councillor Brooks left the meeting whilst this matter was being considered.)


            Moved by Councillor Pankhurst,

            Seconded by Councillor McCullough,


To delete the second paragraph from the letter to be issued to the DAERA Minister, as follows: “This has caused extreme concern amongst residents, who have been expected to simply put up with this odour, with little or no action from the DAERA minister to address the issue.”


            On a recorded vote, thirteen Members voted for the proposal and forty against, with two no votes and it was declared lost:


For 13


The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor

(Alderman McCoubrey); Dorrian, Kingston, Haire, Sandford; and Councillors Bunting, Hussey, T. Kelly, McCullough, Newton, Pankhurst, Spratt and Verner. 

Against 40


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor McCusker), 

The High Sheriff (Councillor Long); Aldermen Copeland and Rodgers; and Councillors Baker, Beattie, Black, Canavan, Carson, Matt Collins, Michael Collins, Corr, De Faoite, Donnelly,  Flynn, Garrett, Gormley, Groogan, Hanvey, Heading, Howard, M. Kelly, Lyons, Magee, Magennis, Maskey, McAllister, McAteer, McCabe, McDonough-Brown, McLaughlin, McMullan, McReynolds, Mulholland, Murphy, Nicholl, O’Hara, Smyth, Walsh and Whyte.

No Vote 2


Councillors Hutchinson and Kyle.


Update on Responsible Dog Ownership


                  At the request of Councillor McMullan, the Council agreed to write the DAERA Minister to advise that the Council was supportive of the proposed approach in relation to the use of DNA testing to assist dog fouling detections but stating that a Northern Ireland wide approach should be adopted. 


Affordable Warmth Scheme update


            At the request of Councillor Heading, the Council agreed to write to the Minister for Communities to request that the underspend for the Affordable Warmth Scheme in 2020/21 be rolled over to the next financial year.


Update on development of the Belfast City

Air Quality Action Plan 2021 – 2026


            At the request of Councillor McAteer, it was agreed that the Strategic Group overseeing the development of the Action Plan be asked to take submissions from Community Groups during the consultation in regard to the preparation of the five year plan.   


DAERA - A Clean Air Strategy for Northern Ireland


            At the request of Councillor Gormley, the Council agreed to write to DAERA to highlight the need for it to support the accelerated improvement of air quality within Belfast and specifically within the Council’s four Air Quality Management Areas.  It would also seek clarity from DAERA as to what actions it planned to take, through the strategy, to tackle the persistent hot-spots. 


                  Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 9th February, 2021, were approved and adopted.


Supporting documents: