Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1       To present the Committee with the draft corporate improvement objectives for 2021 - 2022 and to seek its approval to issue these for public consultation, in line with our statutory performance duty obligations. 


2.0       Recommendation


            The Committee is asked to consider the draft improvement objectives for 2021-22, and subject to any refinements, to authorise the public consultation required as part of the council’s improvement duty. 


2.2       The proposed improvement objectives for 2021-22 are as follows: 


  Our City

We will support our city to recover by helping to restore the social and cultural vibrancy of our city spaces and places in a safe and sustainable way

Our Services

We will take steps to ensure our services adapt and improve in the short and longer term

Our Communities

We will work to support our communities, helping them to become stronger, healthier and more resilient

Our Economy

We will work in collaboration with others to protect and create jobs and support people into employment

Our Environment

We will take action to protect the environment and improve the sustainability of Belfast 

Our Digital Innovation

We will improve digital inclusion and enhance our digital infrastructure to support jobs, our economy, sustainability and wellbeing








3.0       Key Issues


3.1       We have a statutory duty to agree improvement objectives and produce an annual improvement plan, by 30th June each year.  Last year, the Department for Communities (DfC) agreed to suspend the improvement plan process to enable councils to refocus efforts and reconfigure services to support the covid-19 pandemic response.  However, DfC has now confirmed that an improvement plan will be required for 2021-22, including the requirement to consult with residents.  


3.2       The Improvement objectives and plan does not include everything that council plans to do that year, but instead focuses on a smaller set of key improvement priorities, as informed by resident priorities and evidenced by need.   For the past 4 years, we have aligned our improvement objectives to the key priorities within the Belfast Agenda.  However, given the current situation and the lack of uncertainty around when restrictions might end, it is either no longer possible to deliver or sustain some of this activity. It is also questionable as to whether these improvement objectives would continue to be the highest priority for our residents and the city.  For this reason, and to ensure focus remains on priority areas, we are proposing to realign the improvement objectives to the Belfast recovery plan published in September, 2020.


3.3       Our recovery plan has six main pillars, each helping to support our communities and economy to recover by building on our strengths and assets as a city and wider city region.  Appendix 1 shows how these pillars have been adapted for our 2021-22 improvement plan and how it aligns to previous improvement objectives.  Indicative areas of activity have been included for illustration.  However, given the fluidity of the current situation, detailed activity and associated performance measures, the Strategy, Policy and Partnership Unit will work with services to refine the detailed actions and performance measures.  Given current circumstances, we will take a pragmatic approach, which takes into account resourcing implications and covid restrictions.  Activity will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.  DfC are currently reassessing the statutory performance indicators in light of Covid; we await the outcome of this process.  


            Next Steps


3.4       Councils are legally required to consult on their improvement objectives and to publish an Improvement Plan by 30th June each year. Subject to approval, we will issue the improvement objectives for public consultation via our on-line engagement platform for a period of 8 weeks.  However, it should be noted that resident feedback in relation to Belfast: Our Recovery (  has already informed the selection of the objectives and indicative actions.  During this time, we will work develop detailed actions, milestones and performance indicators and factor in public feedback.    A final report and draft improvement plan will be brought to SP&R for ratification and publication in June. 


Strategic Policy and Resources Committee – agrees improvement objectives for consultation

19th Mar 2021

Improvement Objectives:  8 week consultation

22 Mar - 16 May 2021

Services refine actions and PIs

Mar - May 2021

SP&R approves Improvement Plan

18th June 2021

Publish Improvement Plan 2021 - 22 

30th June 2020


            Resources Implications


3.5       There are no resource implications arising directly from this report.  As some of our services continue to face significant pressures and budgets remain stretched, we have taken care to ensure that the improvement objectives align to the council’s recovery plan.


            Equality Implications and Rural Needs


3.6       There are no equality or rural need implications arising directly from this report.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: