Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1             To present the Committee with the draft response to the NI Executive’s draft Programme for Government Outcomes Framework.



2.0       Recommendations


            The Committee is asked to:


i.       approve the draft consultation response for submission to The Executive Office, as set out in Appendix 2 and; and


ii.      endorse the NILGA response to the draft PfG Outcomes Framework Consultation, as set out in Appendix 3.


2.2       Given the deadline for submission of responses by 22nd March, the Committee is asked to give delegated authority to officers to submit the agreed response before the deadline, noting that it is subject to Council ratification on 1st April.


2.3       To support the co-ordination of the new community plan with the completion of the Programme for Government it is proposed that the Council renews its contribution to the work of the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre for a 2 year period.


3.0       Key Issues


3.1       The NI Executive is developing a new strategic, Outcomes-based Programme for Government (PfG). The Executive’s aim for the PfG is to deliver real, lasting and positive change in people’s lives. This consultation is seeking opinions on the draft framework of nine Outcomes upon which the PfG will be built. Together these Outcomes create a picture of the kind of society we all want to live in.


3.2       The draft Outcomes are illustrated in the following diagram:


3.3       The Framework focuses on the 9 Outcomes, each with a number of draft priority areas for focus and associated strategy documents.  It should be noted that this is intended to be a high level document which, once finalised, will be followed by more detailed priority plans.  It should, therefore, be seen as the first step in the development of a PfG, not the complete picture.


            Draft BCC Response


3.4       A draft BCC response has been attached in Appendix 2, which contains feedback on individual outcomes, along with a number of suggested priority areas.  In general, it is recommended that the Council supports the draft Outcomes – they are broadly in line with the Outcomes contained within the Belfast Agenda and the aspirations of our Recovery Plan.


3.5       The key elements of our response are focused on more overarching comments in relation the PfG, the need for better partnership working between the government departments and local government and the need for further devolution.  A summary of our main comments are as follows:


·        We encourage the NI Executive to recognise the important benefits a place based approach can bring and specifically recognise the importance of investing in the regional capital as a driver for economic regeneration for the entire region;


·        We recommend that the further devolution of neighbourhood services, regeneration and employability and skills powers would greatly help the public sector as a whole deliver on the aspirations articulated in the PfG Outcomes Framework;


·        We encourage greater collaboration between local government and government departments, in the planning, development, delivery and monitoring of interventions in order to increase their effectiveness for Belfast residents and, in turn, create a more cohesive society;


·        We strongly encourage the coordination of new community plans with the completion of the Programme for Government;


·        We strongly encourage the NI Executive to consider establishing a coalesced implementation body that can help coordinate and oversee the implementation of the Programme for Government and the 11 community plans for Northern Ireland;


·        We would welcome further detail on the timeframes for regular review and a commitment to involve key stakeholders in the review, including Belfast City Council;


·        We strongly encourage that key government strategies are reviewed in light of the new PfG to ensure they are still fit for purpose in the post Covid landscape.


3.6       It is recommended that this response be submitted to The Executive Office, with the intent of following up with further communication as the PfG further develops.


3.7       The Committee is asked to note that the deadline for submissions is 22nd March.  In order to meet this deadline, the Committee is asked to give delegated authority for Officers to submit this consultation response in advance of full Council ratification.  Should the Council not ratify the response, officers will ask for the response to be withdrawn as a formal submission.


3.8       To support the co-ordination of the new community plan with the completion of the Programme for Government, it is proposed that the Council renews its contribution to the work of the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre for a 2 year period, particularly in the post-Covid context.  This will enable the Council to influence its research programme and support the connections between the new Programme for Government, community plan and the Belfast Region City Deal.


            Endorsement of NILGA Response


3.9       Appendix 3 contains the draft response from NILGA, which has  formally requested that this response is distributed through a council standing committee or full Council and to senior council policy staff, for feedback / support.  The Committee is, therefore, asked to support the attached response from NILGA.  It should be noted this response has been written as a regional response, designed to emphasise local government’s collective view on what needs to change through the PfG and recognising that individual councils will have local and strategic priorities.


            Resources Implications


3.10      The £40,000 contribution to the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre has been included in Departmental estimates. 


            Equality Implications


1.11         There are no equality implications in relation to our draft response.”


            The Committee approved the Council’s draft response to the Programme for Government Draft Outcomes Framework for submission to the Executive Office here and endorsed NILGA’s response here, as recommended within the report.


Supporting documents: