The Director of Finance and Resources submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:
“1.0 Relevant Background Information
1.1 This report presents the non-recurrent expenditure requirements for 2014/15 and 2015/16 and makes recommendations as to how these can be financed.
2.0 Key Issues
2.1 Non – Recurrent Expenditure 2014/15
The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee has already approved £2,962,241 of non-recurrent expenditure for 2014/15. This is summarised in Table One below. Members agreed, as part of their consideration of the half year finance position, that this expenditure would be financed from the forecast year end under spend of £4,307,000.
Table One: 2014/15 Non-Recurrent Expenditure |
Leisure Mobilisation 2014/15 |
1,171,233 |
WFH Mobilisation |
700,000 |
Innovation Centre |
130,000 |
Temp Accommodation |
80,000 |
Vehicles parks |
164,461 |
Total Assets |
2,245,694 |
Data Transfer (Building Control) |
38,753 |
Cleansing |
80,393 |
Ulster Orchestra |
100,000 |
SP&R Approved Funding Requests |
153,500 |
Pensions |
238,181 |
Total Other |
610,827 |
Condition surveys and remedial works |
9,000 |
Removal costs from Bedford House |
38,720 |
Fit out costs of new building |
50,000 |
Connection costs to new building |
8,000 |
Total Transfer of Functions |
105,720 |
Total 2014/15 |
2,962,241 |
2.2 Non – Recurrent Expenditure 2015/16
Table Two below outlines the non-recurrent expenditure requirements for 2015/16. The key drivers of these costs are the delivery of Investment Programme projects and transitional arrangements associated with local government reform.
Table Two: Non-Recurrent Expenditure 2015/16
Employees |
1,694,736 |
Assets |
573,052 |
Other |
720,023 |
Transfer of Functions |
323,000 |
Total |
3,310,811 |
2.3 Employees
For the past three years temporary staff employed to support the delivery of Investment Programme projects and local government reform have been financed through the Waste Plan and the Local Government Reform Fund. These funds will come to an end on 31 March 2015. Table Three provides a summary of the temporary employee funding requirements by department. A detailed breakdown by post is provided at Appendix One.
Table Three: Temporary Employees 2015/16
Chief Executive’s |
408,458 |
Finance & Resources |
126,718 |
Property & Projects |
635,953 |
Health & Env. Services |
133,385 |
Development |
305,854 |
Car Parks |
33,776 |
Planning |
50,592 |
Total Temp Employees |
1,694,736 |
2.4 Assets
Table Four details the one-off costs associated with the assets transferring from Lisburn and Castlereagh. Detailed surveys of the assets have been carried out and maintenance costings have been prepared. Appendix Two provides a summary of the proposed work by asset transferring.
Table Four: One – Off Asset Costs 2015/16
Property Maintenance - Assets transferring |
393,235 |
Parks & Open Spaces/Tree & Path Works |
127,307 |
Pitches Improvement |
10,510 |
Street Signs |
12,000 |
Building Signage |
30,000 |
Total Assets |
573,052 |
2.5 Other
These costs include £429k to support the alignment of the Council’s grant aid programmes for areas transferring from Lisburn and Castlereagh. A separate report on the Decade of Centenaries will be considered by the Committee at this meeting.for additional licences for transferring staff and networking of centre site.
Table Five: Other Costs 2015/16
Licences |
105,000 |
Community Planning & City Competitiveness |
100,000 |
Grant & Community Support |
429,023 |
Decade of Centenaries |
86,000 |
Total Other |
720,023 |
2.6 Transfer of Functions
Corporate signage on car parks must comply with legislative requirements and an additional £30k will be required to ensure compliance. Additional printers and computers will be required for the planning staff (45 staff) at a cost of £43k.The major additional expenditure requirement is £250k for advertising costs associated with planning applications. These are advertised in four local newspapers to ensure planning equality and legislative requirements are met.
Table Six: Transfer of Functions 2015/16
Corporate Signage to car parks |
30,000 |
IT Hardware |
43,000 |
Planning Advertising |
250,000 |
Total Transfer of Functions |
323,000 |
Sources of Funding
2.7 Table Seven shows that through a combination of sources £4.3m of finance is available. It is recommended that a transition fund of £3.31m is established to cover the one-off costs for 2015/16.
Table Seven: Sources of Funding 2015/16
2014/15 Year end balance |
1,344,759 |
LGR Fund |
331,511 |
LTP Fund |
420,000 |
Capital under spend |
2,219,843 |
Total funding available |
4,316,113 |
Funding required |
3,310,811 |
Balance remaining |
1,005,302 |
2.8 In terms of the remaining balance of £1m Members have a choice of transferring this to reserves or using it to support other priorities. At the Budget Panel it was agreed that further detailed discussion is required about the future of the Local Investment Fund, Belfast Investment Fund and the potential establishment of a Support Fund. A detailed report on this matter will be brought to Committee in February and it is therefore recommended that the allocation of the £1m balance should be considered as part of this future report.
3.0 Recommendations
Members are requested to agree to:
· The non-recurrent expenditure outlined in tables 3 to 6 for 2015/16.
· The establishment of a transition fund of £3.13m to finance this expenditure.”
The Committee adopted the recommendations.
Supporting documents: