The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the Capital Programme 2014/15, the Capital Financing for 2015/16, the implications of the Leisure Transformation Programme and specific project updates, namely, the Innovation Centre, the North Foreshore, the Waterfront Hall, the Creative Hub and future Council accommodation which would require decisions at a future meeting.
The Chief Executive reviewed the projects which were currently on the ground and those which were at tender stage. She highlighted the impact which Members’ decisions would have on the Capital Programme and the Capital Financing and how those decisions to progress a Project or to provide additional funding had a consequential impact on the overall level of financing available for other Projects.
The Chief Executive outlined in detail the specific Projects which would require additional monies as a result of the impact in the delay in the receipt of Letters of Offer and the reductions in those amounts. She explained that the Committee was not being asked to make any decisions in relation to those projects at this meeting but that a further report would be submitted to the Committee on 30th January.
After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.
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