(The Deputy Chairman, Councillor McAteer, left the meeting while this item was under discussion.)
In the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, it was agreed that Councillor Boyle take the Chair.
The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1 Relevant Background Information
1.1 As Members will recall, in August 2013 the Development Committee agreed to open the Creative and Cultural Belfast Fund.
1.2 The purpose of the fund is to deliver large-scale, ambitious arts and heritage projects that challenge social exclusion. Proposals must demonstrate how they support the Cultural Framework’s Distinctly Belfast and Inspiring Communities themes and will be:
- cross-community
- cross-city
- delivered in partnership between cultural and community organisations
- of benefit to hard-to-reach areas and communities.
1.3 £150,000 per annum was ring-fenced in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 budgets, with the same level of support projected for 2015/16 subject to approval of draft budget estimates. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI) agreed to provide match funding of £450,000, bringing the programme budget to £900,000. £10,000 per year is ring-fenced for administrative costs. This means the total funding budget is
£870,000 to be awarded in two tranches.
1.4 Tranche 1 of Creative and Cultural Belfast opened in September 2013, and in February 2014, Members agreed to award a total of £585,000, comprising one exceptional grant of £300,000 and three standard grants of £95,000.
1.5 In August 2014 the Development Committee agreed to open Tranche 2 of Creative and Cultural Belfast to support three projects at a maximum grant of £90,000 per project.
1.6 Criteria for decision-making
Interested organisations were required to submit an expression of interest to the Tourism, Culture and Arts (TCA) Unit. TCA officers determined whether the project proposal was likely to meet basic eligibility criteria and be a good fit with the objectives of the funding scheme. Applicants were then issued with an application form.
1.7 Completed application forms were then assessed in three stages.
1. Eligibility check. Applications were checked against the basic eligibility criteria.
2. Risk assessment. Officers carried out a risk assessment to determine whether the proposal was realistic and achievable.
3. Scoring criteria. Officers then scored applications against the following criteria:
1. Fit with the objectives of the fund
2. Effective project management
3. Value for money
2 Key Issues
2.1 Applications received
Tranche 2 of the CCB fund opened on 2 September 2014. It was widely advertised in local newspapers, via the Central Grants Unit mailing list, on the Council website and on partner websites, such as ACNI and Community Arts Partnership (CAP). Officers from the TCA unit also provided one-to-one advice sessions to organisations seeking further guidance and support.
2.2 Forty-three expressions of interest were received, of which 28 organisations were invited to make an application. Proposals that were unsuccessful were offered a debrief and signposted to alternative sources of funding where appropriate.
2.3 The closing date for receipt of completed applications was 31 October 2014. A total of 26 applications were received. One application was deemed ineligible.
2.4 Principles of the assessment process
Applications are received and eligibility checked by the Central Grants Unit before being passed to TCA officers for scoring. Officers undertook thorough assessments of the applications, which were then agreed by a panel of officers and a representative from ACNI.
2.5 An independent moderation panel made up of a Head of Service, Unit managers and a second representative from ACNI was established. This moderation panel sampled applications and verified and validated scores.
2.6 Recommendations
The three highest scoring applications are Terra Nova Productions, Beat Carnival and Belfast Buildings Trust. These applications are recommended for funding.
2.7 Terra Nova Productions
In partnership with the African and Caribbean Support Organisation for NI, T13, Libraries NI and the Crescent Arts Centre, Terra Nova with produce a new Belfast and intercultural version of The Tempest. It will be a high quality theatre production featuring original music and pyrotechnics. A professional cast will work with community participants from across the city.
2.8 Beat Carnival
Beat will work with its community partners and other participants to design and build a carnival village and festival programme, including a new Belfast drum, to be showcased in Ormeau Park in June 2016. Partners include Ballynafeigh Community Development Association and Denmark Street Residents Association with further groups engaged throughout the project.
2.9 Belfast Buildings Trust
Linenopolis: The Opera will create a unique chamber opera that tells the story of Belfast's industrial past. It will be created with and performed by local community groups working with professional performers. Partners include NI Opera, 174 Trust, East Belfast Community Development Association, Morton Community Centre, Cavehill Community Choir.
2.10 A summary of scores and recommendations are included at appendix 2. A summary of each assessment is included at appendix 3. Members are requested to note the contents of this report and agree the recommendations for CCB funding.
2.11 Next steps
As the CCB fund is match funded by ACNI, these recommendations are also subject to the approval of the ACNI board on 21 January 2015.
3 Resource Implications
Funding of £150,000 is included in the TCA Unit’s budget for 2014–2015 and a further £150,000 in draft budgets for 2015-2016. ACNI has provided match funding of £450,000.
4 Equality and Good Relations Considerations
4.1 The Cultural Framework was subject to a full Equality Impact Assessment and relevant equality and good relations implications have been taken in to consideration.
5 Recommendations
5.1 It is recommended that Members:
1. note the contents of this report and agree the recommendations for Creative and Cultural Belfast funding as set out in appendix 2.”
The Committee noted the information which had been provided and approved the recommendations for funding as set out in the report.
Supporting documents: