Agenda item


            (The Divisional Solicitor provided legal advice to the Members, in respect of the application which had been submitted by Belfast City Council.  The Members were advised that those Members who had taken part in the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee meeting of 18th June 2021 and of the Special Council meeting of 1st July 2021, in respect of the purchase of the building, could still participate in the discussion and vote on the planning application with no conflict of interest.  She advised that those Members who had participated in discussions regarding the meanwhile use of the building, at meetings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee, were advised not to participate.  As such, the following Members declared an interest, left the meeting and did not participate in the discussion or vote on the following item:  Councillors Brooks, Groogan, Hanvey, Hussey, Maskey, McMullan, Murphy, O’Hara, Spratt and Whyte.)


            The Principal Planning officer provided the Committee with the details of the application and explained that the application site contained a grade B+ listed building, namely, the former Provincial Bank of Ireland at 2 Royal Avenue.


He explained that the proposal was for a temporary change of use to community, recreation and cultural use for two years so that Belfast City Council (BCC) could pilot the concept of an “Imaginarium” – an immersive experience for visitors to learn about the city.  There were no physical alterations or works proposed to the listed building as all installations would be temporary and reversible and, as such, no Listed Building Consent was required.


He outlined the main issues which had been considered in the assessment of the case, including:


·        the principle of the temporary use at this location;

·        the impact on Built Heritage and Archaeological interests;

·        transportation including parking provision and impact on road safety;

·        the impact on amenity of nearby residents and businesses; and

·        human health.


The Committee was advised that the site was located within the development limits of Belfast in the BUAP 2001 and Draft BMAP 2015 (dBMAP, both versions). It was un-zoned, white land under dBMAP (both versions). In the dBMAP (both versions) the site lay within the City Centre Conservation Area, the Old City Character Area, the Primary Retail Core and Primary Retail Frontage.   


            The Members were advised that consultees including the Department for Communities (DfC), HED, and DfI Roads had been consulted and had no objections to the application.  No third-party representations were received.


The Principal Planning officer drew the Members’ attention to the Late Items pack, whereby a response had been received from Environmental Health.  The response recommended a condition to restrict the hours of operation to 10am to 11pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 6pm on Sunday and that agent had confirmed that they were content with that condition.


            The Chairperson welcomed Ms. S. McDowell, agent, to the meeting.  She advised the Committee that:


·        the temporary change of use of the former provincial Bank building to a multidisciplinary event space represented a significant “meantime” use on Royal Avenue;

·        the temporary and flexible nature of the proposal was an example of the Council’s commitment to rejuvenate and attract vitality back into the city centre by celebrating local produce and talent;

·        it would provide a short-term positive legacy for the city centre by accommodating a vacant retail unit until a permanent future was decided for the historical building; and

·        she hoped the Committee would approve the exciting temporary project, intended to deliver many of the ambitions of the City’s Cultural Strategy. In doing so, it would mark the beginning of Council’s upscaled programme of culture and creativity for the city.


            The Committee granted approval to the application for a temporary change of use to community, recreation and cultural use, for two years, subject to conditions, with delegated authority given to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of conditions subject to no new substantive issues being raised.


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