Agenda item


            (Councillor Spratt, having declared an interest in this item, left the meeting and did not participate in the discussion or vote)


            The Committee was presented with the details of the application for full planning permission for the demolition of 3no. existing blocks of flats (30 units) and the construction of 23 dwelling units (10 houses and 13 apartments) with associated site works for the provision of social housing.  The Principal Planning officer explained that the application was in front of the Committee for consideration as a statutory consultee, DFI Roads, had submitted an objection to it which was contrary to the officers’ recommendation.


She outlined the main issues which had been considered in the assessment of the proposal which included:



·        the principle of development;

·        design, impact on character and appearance of the area;

·        impact on amenity;

·        access, movement and parking;

·        flooding; and

·        infrastructure capacity.


            The Principal Planning officer explained that the site was located on unzoned whiteland in the BUAP, draft BMAP 2004 and dBMAP 2015. The redevelopment of the brownfield site and the principle of social housing at the location was long established and considered acceptable.


            The Members were advised that the proposed development would not adversely impact the character and appearance of the surrounding area. She explained that it was considered to be sympathetic in its built form, scale, massing and appearance with the surrounding area and neighbouring properties. It was considered that the proposal would not raise any unacceptable issues in relation to residential amenity including overshadowing, loss of light or overlooking.


She advised the Committee that the proposal was unlikely to have a significant impact on the local road network in terms of traffic, road safety and parking. The Members were advised that provision for parking had been incorporated at a ratio of just over 1 space per dwelling unit - 27 spaces for 23 dwelling units. She outlined that a reduced standard was considered acceptable due to the site’s sustainable location along with the provision of Green Travel Measures which included a travel card for each unit for a period of one year.  It was considered that DFI Roads’ request for three year travel cards for each unit would not be justified in this case now that there was a reduction in the number of dwelling units on site from 30 units to 23 units. She advised that the developer had agreed to provide a travel card for each unit for a period of one year, should approval be achieved and officers considered that to be reasonable.  She outlined that DFI Roads had not yet responded to the alternative request, made formally on 6th October 2021, to provide Green Travel Measures for a period of one year and not three years. 


The Committee was advised that Rivers Agency, Environmental Health and the Landscape Officer had offered no objections to the proposal.


NI Water had advised that, as there was a foul and storm sewer located within the site they would consider a connection to the drainage system where the applicant could demonstrate “like for like” development. The Principal Planning officer confirmed to the Members that the site was occupied by three apartment blocks, providing a total of 30 dwelling units, which were connected to the local sewer. As the current proposal was for 23 dwelling units it was considered that it constituted a significant reduction in the number of units served by the local foul sewer and therefore was a like for like scheme.



            The Committee was advised that no letters of objection were received and one letter of support was received from local Councillors.


            The Committee granted approval the application, subject to conditions, with the final wording of conditions delegated to the Director of Planning and Building Control.


Supporting documents: