Agenda item


            The Senior Planning officer outlined the details of the application which sought full planning permission for 10 no. general needs and 2 no. complex needs (social housing) dwellings with associated car parking, amenity space and landscaping.


            The Members were advised that the application was before the Committee as approval was recommended without the approval from a Statutory Consultee, DFI Roads.


The main issues which had been considered in respect of the application included:


·        the principle of the proposal at that location;

·        the design, layout and impact on the character and appearance of the area;

·        impact on amenity;

·        loss of open space;

·        access, movement and parking; and

·        infrastructure capacity.


The Senior Planning officer explained that the site was unzoned land within the development limit of the Belfast Urban Area, as identified in the BUAP, draft BMAP 2004 and dBMAP 2015. Historically, the application site was occupied by residential accommodation.


The surrounding area was predominantly residential in character. The site, when cleared, was grassed over and as such the application site was amenity green space, which was protected under PPS 8 Policy OS1 unless it could be clearly shown that redevelopment would bring substantial community benefits that would decisively outweigh the loss of the open space.


The proposal was for social housing, consisting of complex needs units and general needs housing.  The NI Housing Executive had expressed its support for the proposal. The Members were advised that the proposal would be secured for social housing through a Section 76 Planning Agreement. It was considered, taking all matters into consideration, in particular the past residential use on the site and the proposed provision of social housing, that the proposed redevelopment of the site for social housing was therefore, on balance, acceptable in principle.


The Committee was advised that car parking would be provided in the form of two in-curtilage spaces for each of the complex needs units.  The Senior Planning officer outlined that the 10 general needs dwellings would be served by 16 communal spaces proposed as parallel bays off the proposed carriageway. She explained that the Creating Places parking requirements were for 17 unassigned spaces and hence there was a shortfall of 1 parking space. She explained that a separate parking study had been undertaken, identifying that the surrounding streets could accommodate any additional parking spaces required.  She explained that it was considered that DFI Roads request for 3 year travel cards for each unit was not justified in that case.


The Members were advised that the developer had submitted a Travel Plan which detailed the appointment of a travel coordinator within the Housing Association to manage the site and the provision of a 1 year membership of a bike scheme for each dwelling and officers considered that to be reasonable. All other parking and access matters were resolved and final conditions on those were awaited.


Rivers Agency and BCC Environmental Health had offered no objections to the proposal.  NI Water had advised that there was capacity at the Waste Water Treatment Works and offered advice on foul and sewer connections. They advised that they could consider connection to the drainage system where the applicant could demonstrate like for like development.  As the site was previously developed for housing, with demolition of the last remaining properties as recently as 2015, and, as such, a positive outcome to the PDE was anticipated and it was considered, on balance, that the issue could be resolved by means of a negative condition.


No letters of objection were received and a letter of support from the Lower Oldpark Community Association was submitted by the applicant as part of the proposal.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject a Section 76 Agreement to secure social housing, and delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of conditions.                           


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