Agenda item


The City Solicitor submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


1.1             The purpose of this report is to:


-       Update Members following a discussion at Party Group Leaders Consultative Forum, after which officers were asked to formulate a proposed programme of events to be organised by Council in partnership with local organisations to celebrate the city’s cultural heritage.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1         The Committee is asked to:


                                          i.          approve outline programme of events to be organised by Council over Spring-Summer 2022 and agree to receive a future report outlining allocation of funding to delivery partners; and


                                         ii.          agree to allocate £200,000, as outlined in paragraph 3.7, to support the proposed programme of activity.


3.0       Main Report




3.1       Members of the Committee will be aware that a number of Council’s strategies in line with the Belfast Agenda, support increasing the cultural vibrancy of the city and promoting cultural expression. In recognition of the diversity of the city’s cultural heritage and as part of an ongoing programme of enhancing support for participation in the cultural life of the city, an extended programme of activities is proposed for Spring – Summer 2022.


3.2       This will build on the recent success of 2 Royal Avenue that has demonstrated both a demand and need for such a facility including the number of community culture and arts organisations that have requested use of the building. This has included a breadth of activities such as music gigs, artisan markets, workshops, exhibitions and tea dances attracting a range of audiences. To date the model for delivery has been a combination of events programmed directly by Council as well as support for partnership organisations.


3.3       Given the success of this programme and to complement the activities planned for summer 2022, it is proposed that an extended programme would be delivered to include: 


-       Cultural engagement programmes with community participants;


-       Cultural showcases open to the wider public;


-       Cultural connections programme including events focussed on fusion and shared heritage;


-       Celebration of the city’s recent designation as a UNESCO City of Music through increasing opportunities to promote the city’s music heritage.


3.4       The venue at 2 Royal Avenue is an ideal location for these activities and benefits from levels of footfall and in turn this programme can support summertime animation of the city centre. However, there will also be an opportunity to deliver community-based programmes of engagement activities.


3.5       Similar to the existing programming model, whilst elements of the programme will be delivered directly by Council it is also envisaged that this opportunity should be opened up to partner organisations. Criteria will be developed by officers in the Culture Development Team working with colleagues in Good Relations. The outcome of this process will be presented to a future meeting of Committee for consideration and approval.


3.6       Equality and Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            All events will take equality and good relations implications into account and will be reflected in any agreements issued to partner organisations.



3.7       Financial and Resource Implications


            The cost of delivering the programme of events is £200,000 to be allocated as follows:


-       Traditional Irish groups and activities - £100,000

-       BAME groups and activities - £50,000

-       LGBTQ+ groups and activities - £50,000.”


            After discussion, during which the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Resources confirmed that the proposed programme would be financed through the Departmental underspend and that a percentage would be set aside for project management, the Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: