The Chairperson welcomed Ms. J. Dobson, Useful Projects, Mr. J. O’Neill, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, Mr. J. Eyre, Titanic Quarter, and Ms. K. Doran, Lanyon Communications, to the meeting.
Ms. Dobson outlined the case for change, a shared ambition for a built environment that would deliver more and enhance communities, sustain the environment and provide a springboard for economic growth. She explained the purpose of the project, which was to deliver research that would demonstrate the positive economic, environmental and social impact that investment in the built environment could deliver and to provide recommendations to realise economic, social and environmental impacts from future investment and development in the Belfast region.
She pointed out the main objectives of the project were to look back, look locally and further afield and to look to the future.
She referred to local case studies and to the summary of recommendations, a pathway to inclusive and sustainable development, which included that local councils should continue to drive and support more inclusive and sustainable real estate investment, which could be done through three key levers: to lead by example, influence and invest.
Ms. Dobson explained the key findings and associated recommendations.
Mr. O’Neill stated that a mainstream process was required to undertake all major capital projects to deliver the ambition of the report and that it was an opportunity to share best practice and to create a practical tool kit to apply across all projects.
The Committee agreed to consider the following item
subsequent to the above, associated presentation.
Renewed Ambition Programme Update
The Committee considered the undernoted report, which was accompanied by a presentation delivered by the Director of City Regeneration and Development, Mr. J. Eyre and Mr. J. O’Neill:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to:
· Update Members on the Renewed Ambition Partnership Programme for 2022 / 2023 aimed at delivering regeneration, infrastructure and a modern built environment for Belfast and wider City Region.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
I. Note an update on elements of the programme of work which is being delivered via the Renewed Ambition public-private partnership, including report findings from research which examined the role that the built environment plays in delivering Social, Environmental and Economic benefits to Belfast and the wider Belfast City Region, and update following Belfast’s attendance at UKREiiF – the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum
II. Note that a presentation will be made at this Committee (by the Chair of the Renewed Ambition Partnership Taskforce and consultants) on the report findings in relation to the role that the built environment plays in delivering Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits including recommendations on how this can be enhanced and maximised going forward for the benefit of the city and wider region.
III. Approve entering into contractual arrangements on behalf of the Renewed Ambition Partnership with event organisers for MIPIM 2023, noting that this event will be funded through the existing Renewed Ambition Partnership sponsorship.
IV. Approve attendance by the Chairperson of the Committee, or their nominated representative, along with senior officers as appropriate at MIPIM 2023
V. Approve the establishment of a Members City Centre Working Group, with further details to be brought back on the Terms of Reference and membership based on advice via Democratic Services.
3.0 Main Report
3.1 At May’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee Members agreed that representatives from the Renewed Ambition Taskforce, alongside the consultants who undertook research which sought to examine the role the built environment plays in delivering social, environmental and economic benefits to the Belfast Region, attend this month’s Committee meeting to update on report findings and wider programme of work currently being undertaken by the partnership.
3.2 Members will be aware that the Renewed Ambition Partnership, a joint public – private initiative which is supported by public and private sectors as well as key anchor institutions, is currently delivering a programme of work aimed at ensuring Belfast is positioned to continue to attract investment and delivering sustainable and inclusive growth.
3.3 The Renewed Ambition Partnership is comprised of Belfast City Council, all Belfast Region City Deal Partner Councils, Invest Northern Ireland, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, and representatives from the developer and built environment supply chain community.
3.4 Having the right physical, digital and social infrastructure in place is essential for creating the physical capacity for people to live, work and visit the city and delivering on our shared longer-term ambitions for the city, as outlined in the Belfast Agenda. Underpinning the successful delivery of regeneration and development projects and creating the right city infrastructure is the ability to attract investment. This requires collaborative working with city partners to attract investment and ensure we create the right physical and built environment required to support a sustainable, inclusive city.
3.5 The Renewed Ambition Partnership is an important lever within our wider ‘Positioning the City to Compete’ proposition which seeks to build on the city’s reputation as a unique destination for investment, tourism, development and supporting inclusive economic growth. It aligns to work being undertaken by other city partnerships including Innovation City Belfast, Belfast Region City Deal and Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor, alongside council-led activities to accelerate city centre living, build resilience and create a healthy, shared, vibrant and sustainable environment that promotes wellbeing for all, inclusive growth and innovation.
3.6 The Renewed Ambition Programme of activity for 2022 / 2023 launched in April and is delivering a structured 12 month programme of work focused on the five key pillars of Research; Events; Advocacy and Engagement; Communications and Repository with a clear focus on securing investment to deliver on city priorities.
3.7 Research Report: ‘Building Impact – The Role the Built Environment Plays in Delivering Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits to the Belfast Region’
3.8 Members are reminded that the Renewed Ambition Partnership commissioned research to identify and demonstrate the positive social, economic and environmental impact that real estate and built environment projects can deliver when done well but importantly provide recommendations as to how, moving forward, the built environment partners can further enhance the delivery of wider sustainable development benefits from future development in the Belfast region.
3.9 The report findings and recommendations were informed through engagement with representatives from the Renewed Ambition Partnership, City Growth and Regeneration Committee, the CPP City Development Board, the Belfast Region City Deal partner Councils (inc Belfast City Council) and the local and international real estate development community.
3.10 A presentation will be made to Committee (on 8 June) which will provide further detail on the research findings and the recommendations going forward.
3.11 In summary, the report found that the real estate sector in the Belfast region is already stepping up to the sustainable development challenge and has performed well at delivering social, environmental and economic benefits to the wider city region. It highlights however that there is an opportunity for the built environment to drive additional sustainable development benefits, while also playing a key role in resolving some of the region’s societal and sustainable development challenges, including unemployment, skills inequalities, economic growth, housing provision, levelling up, community cohesion, and climate change. It found that wider sustainable development and inclusive growth outcomes can be delivered over the three main phases in the real estate lifecycle: planning and acquisition, development phase and operational phase, and have a positive impact both within the redline boundary of any built asset as well as within local surrounding communities and in the wider Belfast region.
3.12 The local case studies identified in the research report include examples of real estate projects that have gone beyond minimum building regulations and delivered wider social, environmental and economic benefits to the city region. Some highlights from case studies contained within the report include Titanic Quarter which has already delivered £146 million of social value and it is expected that by 2035 that a further £382 million of social value will be generated. During construction of the new Ulster University campus in Belfast, UU has indicated that the equivalent of 101.7 years’ worth of training, placement and apprenticeship opportunities were delivered to young people, students, and the long term unemployed. The Belfast Transport Hub early works was highly commended by the National Social Value Awards in 2021 for its approach to social value and the outcomes achieved during the enabling works phase. The restoration of Durham Street to create social housing by Clanmill Housing has won several awards. Council’s Leisure Transformation Programme has provided the equivalent of 3,120 employment weeks to date throughout construction (still ongoing) to those furthest removed from the labour market. Blacks Gate, a 244 housing-led development being brought by Radius Housing Association on former industrial land, was also highlighted within the report. This project will see the delivery of 244 new homes, including 28 affordable homes, 3 play parks/open space, a linear park, a community facility and 60,000sqft of commercial space and has included significant social clauses to promote community development, employment, and apprenticeships.
3.13 The report also highlights that there are major real estate projects across all asset classes in the Belfast region that are in the pipeline – i.e. projects that are currently in design and construction, due to be completed in the future, that have the ability to deliver wider social, environmental and economic benefits to Belfast and the wider city region, including the potential to generate significant employment, skills development and local supply chain opportunities, as well as community and wellbeing benefits, for people and businesses in the Belfast region.
3.14 There are a number of public and private sector led projects and initiatives referenced in the report as examples of best practice, including Belfast City Council, Belfast Region City Deal partner Councils and BRCD projects. From the Council’s perspective, the report highlighted the leadership Belfast City Council has demonstrated on the social value agenda by developing a Social Value Procurement Policy and a Social Value Toolkit, which aims to both achieve the best commercial outcome from our procurement activities and make a positive difference to the people and communities in Belfast. Council’s Leisure Transformation Programme, Innovation Factory and Connswater Community Greenway were identified as positive projects in delivering wider social, environmental and economic benefits to the city region, while ‘A Bolder Vision’, Belfast Stories and Giant’s Park North Foreshore were recognised as pipeline project examples that have the ability to deliver broader social, economic and environmental benefits to the city.
3.15 The report also recognises that the Belfast Region City Deal presents a unique opportunity to accelerate inclusive growth and sustainable development in the region. The tourism, regeneration, infrastructure and innovation projects funded through the Deal are being developed with inclusive growth and sustainability in mind, underpinned by an employability and skills programme. All BRCD projects are required to adhere to the BRCD Inclusive Growth and Sustainability Framework seeks to set new standards for the delivery of wider benefits in Northern Ireland and the reporting of outcomes.
3.16 The report has resulted in six key findings, and associated recommendations. Three of the recommendations are for the real estate sector and construction supply chain, one relates specifically to BRCD projects, one is focused on the role of local Councils, and one relates to the role of the NI Executive. These will be presented as part of the presentation at the CGR Committee.
3.17 The final draft report has been endorsed by the Renewed Ambition Taskforce and is being considered by the wider Renewed Ambition Partnership. It is also hoped that it will be brought to a future meeting of the Social Policy Working Group for consideration. A copy of the final report will be made available for Members following consideration by the wider Renewed Ambition Partnership.
3.18 The presentation to Committee will provide further detail on the research findings and the recommendations going forward as to how to ensure that the built environment continues to deliver positive social, environmental and economic benefits to the city and wider city region.
3.19 A key pillar of the ‘advocacy and engagement’ strand of the Renewed Ambition Programme of work moving forward will focus on ensuring that the report findings and recommendations act as enabling levers for city region partners to incorporate sustainable development best practice into real estate development projects moving forward. From a Council perspective, officers from across Council have input into the report and with mechanisms being progressed internally to ensure the Council takes a lead role in implementing the report recommendations in terms of their specific areas of responsibility.
3.20 2022 / 2023 Programme of Work
At the meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 8 September 2021 an update was provided to Members on the Renewed Ambition Partnership, the programme objectives and proposed future programme of activity (copy September CGR report attached at Appendix 1). As set out in that report, from a Council perspective, this collaborative public / private sector partnership approach offers a strong foundation to build on the work to date achieved through attendance at international built environment events and presents an ongoing opportunity for alignment with other strategic aims of the Council. For the Council, the key aims and objectives of being part of the partnership and contributing to the programme include:
- Securing longer term institutional investors to support agreed regeneration plans of the Council and other partners, with a particular emphasis on housing led regeneration and city centre living
- Securing investment to deliver housing development at scale as set out in the growth ambitions of the Belfast Agenda and the ‘Reset for Growth’ report
- Secure investment in the built environment on a city-wide basis to facilitate opportunities for jobs and business, communities and providing physical and social infrastructure to deliver on inclusive economic growth
- Investment in waterfront regeneration and key infrastructure, connectivity and innovation related projects
- Investment to help address dereliction and support the re-use and preservation of heritage assets
- Investment in tourism and cultural products to underpin regeneration priorities
- Investment in clean tech, environmental and sustainability initiatives
3.21 UKREiiF
UKREiiF, the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum took place in Leeds from the 17 to 19 May 2022 and brought together nearly 4000 representatives from the public and private sector, central and local government, investors, funders, developers, housebuilders and end-users with the objective of accelerating the Levelling Up Agenda, whilst unlocking sustainable, inclusive and transformational investment across the UK. All major UK cities had a presence at the conference, and as previously agreed by Committee, included Council as part of a Belfast Region Partnership presence.
3.22 Key themes and conference sessions included achieving net zero targets by designing and delivering healthier, equal, greener cities; how we create vibrant places that work socially, economically and spatially, while delivering social value and inclusive growth; building better communities and inclusive inward investment.
3.23 As part of the Renewed Ambition Partnership, officers from Belfast City Council and Belfast Region City Deal partner Councils, alongside representatives from Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, private sector developers and supply chain companies attended the conference to showcase the Belfast, and wider city region to support the delivery of our inclusive growth ambitions.
3.24 The Belfast programme included a dedicated panel discussion focused on how the Belfast Region City Deal will further strengthen the region’s compelling investment proposition and unlock a decade of opportunity; a Belfast networking reception on the DIT Stand; a joint investment facilitation networking session with Glasgow City Council, and a dedicated Belfast stand within the exhibition space.
3.25 Belfast City Council officers also presented and attended events organised by other cities and partner organisations including a main stage Panel discussion on “Levelling Up Across The UK” with BCC Chief Executive alongside representatives from Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Manchester; a panel discussion in the DIT Pavilion on “The UK is open and ready for business” featuring Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and DIT; Networking Reception hosted by Leeds City Council and Core Cities CEO’s Meeting and Investor’s Roundtable. In addition, there were a number of 1:1 meetings organised with institutional investors, funding organisations active in other UK cities, social value delivery vehicles, housing delivery partners, Innovation District representatives, senior officers from other UK Cities and regions, and the Department for International Trade, which facilitated the opportunity to discuss and share learnings on best practice for bringing forward sustainable, inclusive development and mechanisms for funding and delivery.
3.26 Officers are currently following up on a number of leads generated at UKREiiF, alongside other Renewed Ambition partners, and it is worth noting that there was a strong interest in investment and development opportunities across all residential tenures to support housing-led and mixed use regeneration, although with further information being sought as part of the follow up discussions on issues around demand/supply, planning, viability, rates and land values etc. In addition, there was a strong focus on innovation and the city’s growth sectors and how the Belfast Region City deal will support inclusive economic growth across the region, as well as net zero and infrastructure related projects. Further detail will be brought back to Committee as these follow up discussions progress.
MIPIM 2023
3.27 Members are reminded that in previous years the Council has participated in the ‘Team Belfast’ attendance at MIPIM - the world's leading built environment conference and exhibition. Following the cancellation of MIPIM 2020 due to Covid, the ‘Team Belfast’ partners coalesced into the Renewed Ambition partnership but with a renewed focus around a wider range of activities to bring forward investment and support inclusive growth with a particular focus on priority areas such as housing and another example being the research paper referenced above aimed at maximising the social, environmental and economic benefit from real estate. The Partnership membership was also expanded and now includes NIHE, Housing Association representation, all the BRCD Councils and anchor institutions as well as developer and supply chain representatives.
3.28 Whilst there was a MIPIM 2022 event in March, the Renewed Ambition Partnership did not attend on this occasion. However, the Renewed Ambition Taskforce has recently endorsed a Belfast presence at MIPIM in March 2023 and its inclusion within the Renewed Ambition Programme of activity for 2022 / 2023. The presentation to Committee from representatives from the Renewed Ambition Taskforce will provide further detail on how a Belfast Region presence at MIPIM assists on the delivery of investment that provides for sustainable inclusive growth in the city and wider city region, based on previous experience at MIPIM and looking forward.
3.29 MIPIM is an annual built environment exhibition and conference which brings together nearly 27,000 public and private sector built environment representatives from across the globe, including all major UK and European cities. It provides city leaders with an opportunity to promote their city to a global audience and connect with potential partners and sources of investment required to unlock built environment regeneration and development. In a similar vein to UKREiiF, MIPIM has re-pivoted to focus on ensuring the built environment supports sustainable development. Discussions are on-going with the event organisers on emerging themes and structure for the 2023 conference and they have indicated that the conference themes are likely to build on the 2022 key themes of Cities for Citizens, Housing, Sustainability and Decarbonising the Built Environment.
3.30 From a Renewed Ambition Partnership perspective, partners feel that attending MIPIM allows Belfast and the Belfast Region to position itself to a global audience and attract the interest of institutional investors, developers, occupiers and funders in the context of bringing forward sustainable development to create a well-connected and culturally vibrant, sustainable city and region. The Partnership has therefore proposed a Belfast City Region presence at MIPIM 2023, in line with other UK Cities, and a focused programme of activity which would include key investment priorities of housing, innovation, green technology and showcasing investment opportunities within the Belfast region which draw on our key growth sectors, BRCD ambitions and delivering key regeneration projects to help ensure the built environment delivers social, environmental and economic benefits to the wider city region as highlighted within the ‘Building Impact’ Report.
3.31 The other BRCD partner Councils and private sector partners have expressed a clear interest in attending MIPIM 2023, however they feel that in order to successfully showcase Belfast and the wider City Region, it requires the civic leadership and attendance of Belfast City Council. As referenced in section 3.20, the Council’s involvement will align to and complement other BCC led activities within the context of ‘Positioning the City to Compete’ and delivering a ‘Global Future’ - a key action area from the Innovation and Inclusive Growth Commission, with a core focus on accelerating city centre living, notably seeking institutional investment to help drive housing building at scale, while also supporting work being undertaken by Economic Development, Tourism and Culture, Resilience, SMART Belfast and partnerships including Innovation City Belfast, Belfast Dublin Economic Corridor and BRCD.
3.32 The governance of the Renewed Ambition Partnership is via a Taskforce comprised of representatives of the public and private sector, with Council managing all contractual and financial elements of programme delivery. Subject to Members approval, officers would enter into contractual arrangements on behalf of RAP with the event organisers for MIPIM 2023, noting that the Belfast City Region presence at MIPIM will be funded though the existing RAP programme budget.
City Centre Working Group
3.33 Post-pandemic the city continues to face a range of societal, economic and environmental challenges. Committee are regularly briefed on projects and interventions that Council and partners are working on to drive city recovery in the short term, while also bringing forward priorities under the Corporate Plan and strategic programmes of work including ‘A Bolder Vision’ and wider city connectivity, housing led regeneration, tourism and cultural activity and the Future City Centre Programme aimed at delivering a vibrant, liveable and sustainable city centre which connects to the surrounding communities. From a city centre perspective, there remain a number of opportunities but also challenges ranging from operational issues such as cleansing, safety and transport, to vibrancy/cultural and tourism activities, engagement with businesses, development and regeneration priorities including the drive for more city centre living, enhanced connectivity and the importance of physical, social and economic connections to existing communities.
3.34 Successfully delivering our city ambitions and addressing the challenges of the city centre requires public and private sector city partners working collaboratively to address these challenges. All city stakeholders have a key role to play in successfully delivering this ambition and there is a clear desire amongst a number of these stakeholders for a more cohesive forum for discussing and addressing issues, whilst maximising opportunities to collectively deliver on the ambitions for a successful city centre.
3.35 It is proposed that a Members City Centre Working Group is convened to provide a forum to allow, as appropriate, public and private city stakeholders, including representatives from business and community organisations, the development, tourism and cultural, housing and education sectors and BID’s, to engage with Members to address the short- and longer-term challenges facing the city centre. Members will be aware that similar Working Groups are already in place for North, South, East and West Belfast and it is felt that it would be beneficial to have a similar dedicated focus on the City Centre. Given the important role of the city centre as a hub for investment, culture, tourism, learning and employment, it is felt that a Members Working Group could help ensure it can continue to perform these important roles for all areas of the city to derive the benefits. Given the importance of continued public private partnership working it could also serve as a useful forum to consider some of the matters raised via the Renewed Ambition Partnership and seek input of Members as appropriate.
3.36 Subject to Members agreement on this approach a further paper will be brought back on the Terms of Reference and advice via Democratic Services on the make-up of the Group.
3.37 Financial and Resource Implications
The Renewed Ambition Partnership is delivered as a public private sector sponsorship fund and is supported by a range of public, private and key anchor institutions.
3.38 Council has previously agreed to contribute of £80,000 towards the 2022 Renewed Ambition Partnership. In addition, all Belfast Region City Deal partner Councils, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, Queen’s University Belfast, and representatives from the developer and built environment supply chain community have contributed towards the current programme of activity, with external and private sector funding forming the majority of the overall programme budget.
3.39 The Renewed Ambition Partnership (RAP) Taskforce, the governing body for the Partnership, are proposing that a Belfast City Region presence at MIPIM 2023 should be included in the RAP 2022 / 2023 programme of activity, with associated costs being funded through the existing Partnership sponsorship budget.
3.40 Council undertakes the contract and financial management on behalf of RAP. Approval is sought for officers to enter into contractual arrangements on behalf of RAP with event organisers for MIPIM 2023, noting that this will be funded through the sponsorship already secured from public and private partners to deliver the wider Renewed Ambition Programme.
3.41 Approval is also sought for the Chairperson of the Committee, or their nominated representative, along with senior officers as appropriate to attend MIPIM 2023 with travel costs to be met from within existing departmental budgets. All other costs related to the Belfast Region Presence at MIPIM 2023 would be met from the existing RAP Public - Private Partnership Programme Budget.
3.42 Equality or Good Relations Implications/
Rural Needs Assessment
None associated with this report.”
In response to a request by a Member, the Director of City Regeneration and Development agreed to explore the viability of a Communities of Interest Working Group and to provide an update to the Committee, in conjunction with a future update on the establishment of a Members City Centre Working Group.
Subsequent to responding to a number of questions from Members, the Chairperson thanked the representatives for their presentation, and they retired from the meeting.
The Committee:
· Noted an update on elements of the programme of work which was being delivered via the Renewed Ambition public-private partnership, which included report findings from research that examined the role that the built environment played in delivering Social, Environmental and Economic benefits to Belfast and the wider Belfast City Region, and update following Belfast’s attendance at UKREiiF – the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum;
· Noted that, a presentation had been made to the Committee (by the Chair of the Renewed Ambition Partnership Taskforce and consultants) on the report findings in relation to the role that the built environment played in delivering Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits, which included recommendations on how it could be enhanced and maximised going forward for the benefit of the city and wider region;
· Approved entering into contractual arrangements, on behalf of the Renewed Ambition Partnership, with event organisers for MIPIM 2023, noting that this event would be funded through the existing Renewed Ambition Partnership sponsorship;
· Approved attendance by the Chairperson of the Committee, or their nominated representative, along with senior officers as appropriate at MIPIM 2023; and