The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The popularity of aesthetic cosmetic treatments has grown rapidly in recent years, with new non-surgical procedures continually emerging on the market.
1.2 New legislation to improve regulation of this sector has recently been introduced in England, along with a proposed licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Powers available to Environmental Health Officers in Northern Ireland to regulate this sector to protect health and safety remains significantly more limited. The NI Local Authority Health and Safety Liaison Group (on which BCC is represented) is seeking support of all Councils to advocate for an appropriate regulatory regime for this sector.
1.3 This report seeks the committee’s support and approval for Belfast City Council to write to the Minister for Health to seek improved regulation of cosmetic treatments in Northern Ireland, along with the introduction of a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to
· Write to the Minister for Health to seek improved regulation of cosmetic treatments in Northern Ireland, along with the introduction of a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
3.0 Main report
3.1 In October 2021 the Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act 2021 came into force in England making it illegal to administer Botox or a filler by way of injection for a cosmetic purpose to a person under 18 years of age. No such law exists in Northern Ireland.
3.2 The UK Government recently confirmed its intention to introduce a licensing regime for non-surgical cosmetic procedures to better regulate the cosmetic industry in England through an amendment to the Health and Care Bill.
3.3 The licensing scheme in England will introduce consistent standards that individuals carrying out non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as lip fillers, botox etc. must meet, as well as hygiene and safety standards for premises. It will focus on those cosmetic procedures which, if not properly performed, have the potential to cause harm.
3.4 In recent years there has been a significant rise in the number and type of non-surgical aesthetic procedures available, with many practitioners performing treatments without being able to evidence appropriate training and the required standards of oversight and supervision.
3.5 The existing legislation available to Environmental Health Officers to regulate this sector in Northern Ireland is considered no longer fit for purpose and no licensing scheme (similar to that being introduced in England) currently exists in Northern Ireland.
3.6 The Local Authority Health and Safety Liaison Group (HSLG) is a subgroup of Environmental Health Northern Ireland (EHNI). HSLG is seeking the support of all Councils by requesting that each Council write to the Health Minister to ask for better regulation of cosmetic treatments in Northern Ireland, along with the introduction of a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
Finance and Resource Implications
3.7 None
Asset and Other Implications
Equality or Good Relations Implications/
Rural Needs Assessment
A Member welcomed the proposal to write to the Minister of Health regarding the regulation of cosmetic procedures and asked for the correspondence to be extended to also seek improved regulations of wellness centres, with a focus on regulating those offering fertility treatments. She stated that she felt this also lacked scrutiny in Northern Ireland and was an issue that had been raised with her by constituents.
The Committee agreed to write to the Minister of Health to seek the improved regulation of cosmetic treatments in Northern Ireland and the introduction of a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
It was further agreed that it would also to also raise with the Minister the opportunity for the regulation of wellness and treatment centres offering fertility treatments.
Supporting documents: