Agenda item


            The Director of Physical Programmes submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1            The purpose of this report is to seek the Committee’s approval of the preferred design for the Carson Tile in the Rotunda area in the City Hall. 


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to approve the recommendation from the City Hall/City Hall Grounds Installations Working Group of 31st August on the proposed design for the Carson Tile to be installed in the Rotunda in City Hall as being Option 3, as pictured in paragraph 3.3 below.


3.0       Main Report


            Carson Tile




3.1       In November 2012, the Council received an independent Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) relating to the City Hall and City Hall grounds. This EQIA was carried out in accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and the Council’s Equality Scheme. This EQIA underpinned the decision to relocate memorabilia into the exhibition, allowing it to be seen and understood in a different way. Whilst the relocation of the artefacts and memorabilia from various parts of the City Hall into the exhibition space addressed the issue of the City Hall itself, in terms of the EQIA, the EQIA also applied to the City Hall grounds, in respect of which no steps have been taken to address the report’s findings that there is a need to provide a contemporary image of the City, reflective of its vibrancy and diversity.


3.2       At the time when the relocation of memorabilia to the exhibition was agreed, there was, as part of that arrangement, a commemorative tile to be installed marking the place at which Sir Edward Carson stood when he signed the Ulster Covenant.  HED approval is required for this and following ongoing discussions with HED it has been agreed that this will take the format of a tile within the Rotunda area.  The SP and R Committee was updated on this at its meeting in May 2021 and approved approve the installation of a plaque with the final design to be agreed.  This was referred to the City Hall Installations Working Group for further consideration.  HED have subsequently confirmed that marble is the preferred material for installation.


3.3       The City Hall Installations Working Group has considered three options for the design of the Carson Tile which will be installed within the Rotunda in the City Hall.  The designs considered are set out below:



3.4       Three Members expressed a preference for Option 3 (the design on the far right), while two Members expressed a preference for Option 1 and one for Option 2. 


            The Committee is, therefore, asked to endorse the recommendation of the City Hall/City Hall Grounds Installations Working Group of 31st August on the proposed design for the Carson Tile as being Option 3. This will enable this to proceed to final design in advance of manufacture and installation.


            Financial and Resources Implications


3.5       Following confirmation of final concept, a detailed design can be produced which will include final costs for manufacture and installation.



      Equality and Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


3.6Installation of Carson Tile contribute to meeting the recommendations of the EQIA City Hall and City Hall Grounds in ensuring Council achieves a greater balance in terms of the persons who are depicted or represented within the grounds.”


            The Committee agreed to proceed with Option 3, as set out within paragraph 3.3 of the report.


Supporting documents: