Agenda item


            The Director of Physical Programmes submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Physical Programme currently includes 170 capital projects with investment of £150m+ via a range of internal and external funding streams, together with projects which the Council delivers on behalf of external agencies. This report requests movements on the Capital Programme for Alleygating Phase 5 and City Hall Stained Glass Windows.


2.1       The Committee is requested to consider the following proposed movements on the Capital Programme:


·        Alleygating Phase 5 Project - agree the proposed list, as attached, and that the project be moved to Stage 3 – Committed.

·        City Hall Stained Glass Windows project - agree that the project be moved to Stage 2 – Uncommitted to allow the Outline Business Case to be developed.


3.0       Main Report


3.1       The Committee will be aware that the Council runs a substantial Physical Programme. This includes the rolling Capital Programme – a multimillion regeneration programme of investment across the city which improves existing Council assets or provides new council facilities. The Council also delivers externally focused funding streams such as BIF, LIF and SOF, as well as numerous capital programmes that we deliver for central government. Our funding partners include NHLF, SEUPB Peace IV, the Executive Office via Social Investment Fund and Urban Villages, DfC, DfI, DAERA, Ulster Garden Villages and others.  When appropriate, the Physical Programmes Department is happy to arrange site visits to any projects that have been completed.


            Proposed Movements – Capital Programme


3.2       Members have previously agreed that all capital projects must go through a Three Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. This provides assurance on the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project.


            The Committee is asked to agree to the following movements on the Capital Programme:




Stage movement

Alleygating Phase 5

Next phase of the alleygates programme

Move to Stage 3 - Committed

City Hall Stained Glass Windows – Health Service and LGBT Community

The creation of two new stained glass windows at City Hall, in recognition of the Health Service in Belfast and the acknowledgement of the positive role of the LGBT community in Belfast.

Move to Stage 2 – Uncommitted to allow the Outline Business Case to be developed





            Alleygating Phase 5


3.3       In August 2022, the Committee agreed to move Alleygating Phase 5 to a Stage 2 - Uncommitted project on the Capital Programme. The Council has delivered four phases of the alleygating programme to date across the city which has seen the installation of 1081 gates, with both Council funding and funding from external funders. As part of the 2021/22 rate setting process, Members will recall that £500,000 has been made available for Alleygating Phase 5 across Belfast. Following the August decision, each Area Working Group has now had an opportunity to consider and recommend gate locations.


3.4       The Committee is asked to agree that:


-       The list of streets set out below (proposed and reserve) be taken forward under Phase 5 of the alleygating programme, as recommended by the Area Working Groups;


-       Alleygating Phase 5 is moved to Stage 3 – Committed under the Capital Programme. The Director of Finance and Resources has confirmed that this project is within the affordability limits of the Council and agreed that a maximum of £500,000 be allocated, and


-       The necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.


            City Hall Stained Glass Windows – Health Service and LGBT Community


3.5       A Strategic Outline Case has been completed and an Outline Business Case will now be worked up on the City Hall Stained Glass Windows – Health Service and LGBT community project and presented back through internal governance and Committee approval process.


            Financial and Resource Implications


3.6       Financial – Alleygating Phase 5 - £500,000 under the Capital Programme.  Resources – Officer time to deliver as required.



            Equality or Good Relations Implications/ Rural Needs Assessment


3.7       All capital projects are screened as part of the stage approval process.”






·        Dunlewey Street, Clonard Street, Waterford Street, Harrowgate Street, Hawthorn Street, McQuillan Street and Finn Square


·        Mizen Gardens, Lenadoon Ave, Kerrykeel Gardens and Glenveagh Park


·        Springfield Road, Cupar Street Upper, Iris Drive, Kilmore Close and Dunmore Street


·        Locan Street and Amcomri Street


·        Islandbawn Street


·        Beechview Park


·        Mayo Street and Caledon Street


·        Colinmill Road


·        Distillery Street, Burnaby Walk, Ladymar Court, Ladymar Grove and Ladymar Park


·        Downfine Gardens


                        Reserve List


·        Workman Avenue, Woodvale Avenue, Cuan Parade and Fort Parade




·        Allworthy Avenue and Hillman Street


·        Oldpark Avenue, Avoca Street, Summer Street, Roseleigh Street, Oldpark Square, Foyle Court and Rosepenna Street


·        Deacon Street, Seaview Street, Parkmount Street, Northwood Parade, Northwood Drive and Northwood Crescent


·        Atlantic Avenue and Glandore Avenue


            Reserve List


·        Cliftonville Parade, Cliftonville Street, Cliftonville Drive


·        Stephen Street and Kent Street


·        Seaview Street and Parkmount Street


·        Hesketh Gardens




·        Botanic Avenue


·        Shaftesbury Avenue


·        Fernwood Street, Walmer Street, Deramore Avenue, Rushfield Avenue, Deramore Street


·        Wellesley Avenue


·        Roden Street, Empire Drive


            Reserve List


·        Wolseley Street


·        Gipsy Street, Primrose Street, Agra Street and Jameson Street


·        Hugh Street




·        Rosebery Road, Ravenhill Avenue, Toronto Street, Delaware Street


·        Jocelyn Street, Clara Street


·        Rosetta Park, Knockbreda Road


·        Reid Street


            Reserve List


·        Richard Street, Watt Street


·        Jonesboro Park and Beersbridge Road


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations and agreed that a report on the next steps in the alleygating process, including a potential timeframe for delivery, be submitted to its next meeting.


Supporting documents: