The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application to replace the current Animal Health Sciences Building (AHSB) with a new building, to include a general stores building, post-mortem suite and carcass incineration facility, on the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) estate at Stormont.
She illustrated the impact of the proposal with site location and layout plans, aerial photographs and visual impact imaging on adjacent premises, and she outlined the key issues which had been considered in the assessment of the proposed development, that included:
· The principle of the development at the location (including
development beyond the settlement development limit);
· Impact on rural character visual amenity;
· Scale, Massing and Design;
· Impact on Built and Archaeological Heritage;
· Impact on Ecology and Natural Heritage;
· Provision of Landscaping and Screening;
· Traffic Movement and Parking;
· Human Health;
· Flooding and Drainage;
· Economic Considerations;
· Pre-application Community Consultation; and
· The consideration of developer contributions.
She explained that the function of the AFBI included management of potentially biohazardous animal disease outbreaks which was considered as an extenuating circumstance for the requirement of additional vehicular entrance and stores building beyond the Settlement Development Limit.
She informed the Committee that no objections had been received from any statutory or non-statutory consultees and that a final response from the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), the applicant, remained outstanding, however, it had not been anticipated that any fundamental issues would be raised.
She reported that, having regard to the Development Plan and other material considerations, that the proposed development had been considered, on balance, to be acceptable.
Moved by Councillor Groogan,
Seconded by Councillor Matt Collins,
That the Committee agrees to defer consideration of the application until a response has been received from DAERA NIEA: NED and a detailed Air Quality Assessment is undertaken.
On a recorded vote, two Members voted for the proposal and twelve against and it was declared lost.
Against 12 |
Councillors Matt Collins and Groogan. |
Councillor Whyte (Chairperson); The High Sheriff, Councillor Hussey; Alderman Rodgers; Councillors Bower, Carson, Douglas, Garrett, Hanvey, Hutchinson, Maskey, Murphy and Spratt. |
The Chairperson welcomed Mr. P. Flemming, FM Planning, Dr. A. Carson, Chief Scientific Adviser, DAERA, Ms. J. Uhlemann, Project Sponsor, DAERA, and Mr. A. Shields, RPP Architects, to the meeting.
Mr. Flemming informed the Committee that he was the Agent for the planning application, acting on behalf of the applicant, DAERA. He explained that the application had followed a detailed and constructive pre-application discussion process with the Council and statutory consultees, and a pre-application community consultation process which had generated positive feedback on the high-quality design of the building and landscaping.
He stated that the planning application packaged contained a comprehensive range of drawing, visual material and technical reports and had involved consultations with six statutory consultees and five non-statutory consultees, and he reported that none of the consultees had raised any objections and no third-party representations had been received.
He informed the Committee that approval of the application would be a significant milestone in the creation of a high-quality facility would be an important showcase for Northern Ireland’s Science infrastructure capacity and leading-edge capability in the animal health and food science sectors.
Dr. Carson outlined the three main functions of the AHSB – Statutory Testing and Analytical Services, Emergency Response Provision and Research. He stated that the proposal would replace the existing 1960s Veterinary Sciences Division main building which was no longer fit for purpose and that the new AHSB would be an industry leading science facility for Northern Ireland of high-quality design which would enhance Northern Ireland’s scientific platform and research capabilities.
In response to a question from a Member with regard to the detail of the Air Quality Assessment and nitrogen emissions, the Senior Planning Officer reported that undertaking of the Air Quality Assessment would take place once the technical specification of the incinerator had been finalised and that Environmental Health had indicated that it was content with the information submitted but would require a final Air Quality Management Plan once the specification had been agreed and in advance of the incinerator being installed.
Mr. Shields confirmed that the acquisition of an incinerator would be undertaken during the construction process, having regard to the procurement process, and would be a bespoke piece of equipment that would be assessed in due course.
The Planning Manager added that the consultation with Shared Environmental Services would be extended to include consideration of potential impacts on Belfast Lough as well as nitrogen emissions, as appropriate. The City Solicitor added that Air Quality would be considered in advance of a decision notice having been issued.
The Chairperson put the officers’ recommendation to the Committee, namely, to grant approval to the application, and delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and to resolve any outstanding issues raised by DAERA NIEA: NED and additional consultation with Shared Environmental Services upon no objection to the application.
On a recorded vote, twelve Members voted for the recommendation, one against and one no vote, and it was accordingly declared carried.
For 12 |
Against 1 |
No Vote 1 |
Councillor Whyte (Chairperson); The High Sheriff, Councillor Hussey; Alderman Rodgers; Councillors Bower, Carson, Douglas, Garrett, Hanvey, Hutchinson, Maskey, Murphy and Spratt. |
Councillor Groogan. |
Councillor Matt Collins. |
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