The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues
1.1 Following an invitation from the Trade and Investment organisation of the Catalonia government, this report seeks the Committee’s approval for the City Innovation Manager to attend the Smart Cities Expo World Congress which is taking place from 15th until 17th November 2022.
1.2 This invitation also includes a specific invitation for the City Innovation Manager to attend a closed meeting of the Chief innovation Officers of world cities to share practice and develop opportunities for smart cities collaboration.
2.0 Recommendation
2.1 The Committee is asked to approve the attendance of the City Innovation Manager at the Barcelona Smart Cities Expo World Congress between 15th and 17th November, representing the Council, and to identify potential Smart City Co-investment.
3.0 Main Report
The Smart Belfast urban innovation programme encourages collaboration between our universities, digital SMEs, industry, the public sector and communities, with the aim of developing novel solutions to complex urban challenges.
3.1 ‘Smart Belfast’ also represents an attractive inward investment proposition and complements other activities such as the Renewed Ambition programme. For example, the existence of Smart Belfast directly led to the collaboration between Belfast and the Korean City of Sejong; and our membership of such international networks such as the G20 Smart Cities Alliance and Mastercard City Possible. The value of a ‘smart city’ strand is increasingly recognised by Invest NI – who, with encouragement from the Council, are now proactive in harnessing ‘Smart Belfast’ as part of the city’s value proposition.
3.2 The annual international gathering of the world’s smart cities is the Barcelona Smart Cities Expo World Congress which this year takes place between 15 and 17 November 2022. The event brings together over 20,000 delegates from 700 cities and over 1,000 digital and technology companies. Some 574 media outlets from across the world are in attendance. 56% of attendees hold senior management positions/ C Level executive roles in cities and companies, whilst over 400 experts and industry practitioners are part of the programme. (Other smart cities such as Dublin, Leeds, Manchester and London have an annual significant presence at the event bringing a large number of officers to promote their city’s innovation activities and opportunities.)
3.3 This year’s event will focus on key themes including Enabling Urban Technologies, the Climate Emergency, Urban Mobility, Inclusive Economy, Infrastructure and Buildings, and Security. The event provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the challenges of cities across the globe, which can inform Belfast’s own efforts to integrate digital innovation into its wider urban agenda. Gaining insight into how other cities are tackling these challenges, whilst discussing directly with the innovators who are overcoming them is invaluable.
3.4 At the same time, Belfast has an opportunity to showcase its new Smart Belfast urban innovation framework to the world’s most exciting and influential technology companies to highlight we are an innovative, open and forward-thinking city that is ideal for collaborative investment. Offers have been received from a range of global industry players to meet at the conference to explore potential areas of co investment in the City’s Smart Belfast programme.
The Event
3.5 The City Innovation Manager has identified a number of opportunities for Belfast to present, showcase and promote the city’s new urban innovation framework at the event:
· For the first time (following encouragement from the Council), Invest NI has a physical presence at this year’s Congress – and is supporting a number of the region’s innovative SMEs to showcase their offerings to industry and other cities. Invest NI has offered to host the Council at its showcase;
· Fira Barcelona has invited Belfast to an exclusive meeting of the world’s Chief Innovation Officers during the Congress to discuss collaboration between cities and with industry;
· A number of industry partners have offered to broker discussions with their European and global executive teams focusing on collaboration and co-investment;
· As a member of its international ‘City Possible’ program, Belfast has been invited by Mastercard to participate in its work to support innovative SME to share practice and opportunities;
· Belfast has also been invited to present its urban innovation framework to the G20 Smart Cities Alliance. The Alliance has recently established a global Urban Transformation Hub which aims to support cities in large scale public/private infrastructure co-investments. The Alliance is keen to discuss the opportunities in relation to the Belfast Smart District, the Innovation for Societal Impact fund, and the Belfast Advanced Wireless programme.
3.6 Following the event, a full industry opportunity report will be presented to the Council to inform the delivery of the Smart Belfast framework. This will also be presented to Innovation City Belfast partners to inform the delivery of the partnership’s own priorities.
Financial and Resource Implications
3.7 The full congress pass is normally €1,250. However, a free invitation has been extended by the Catalonia Trade organisation, Fira, to Belfast’s City Innovation Manager. Travel and accommodation costs will be required and can be covered from the existing agreed Smart Belfast budgets.
Equality or Good Relations Implications / Rural Needs Assessment
3.8 None.”
The Committee adopted the recommendation.
Supporting documents: