The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the progress of all motions for which the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee is responsible.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· note the updates on all motion for which the SP and R Committee is responsible; and
· agree to the closure of motions 52, 74, 80, 97, 99, 136, 248, 253, 256, 259, 260 and 261 as referenced in paragraph 3.4 below.
3.0 Main Report
3.1 At the Committee meeting on 25th October 2019, the following motion was adopted:
‘This Council notes that other councils produce a monthly status report in relation to Notices of Motion and agrees that Belfast City Council adopts a similar practice and produces a monthly update on motions which will be brought to each full Council Meeting, detailing the following:
1. Date received
2. Notice of motion title
3. Submitted by which Councillor
4. Council meeting date
5. Committee motion is referred to
6. Outcome of committee where Notice of Motion will be debated
7. Month it will be reported back to committee
8. Other action to be taken.’
3.2 Following a review exercise, a new database containing all motions and Issues Raised in Advance at Committee was created and quarterly reporting to Committee commenced in March, 2021. The appendix to the report provides the latest quarterly update showing all active motions and Issues Raised in Advance which this Committee is responsible for.
Closure of Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance
3.3 At the Committee meeting on 20th November 2020, it was agreed that motions could be closed for one of two reasons:
· Motions which contained an action(s) that has been completed; and
· Motions which have become Council policy.
3.4 The Committee is asked to agree that the following 12 motions are now closed:
Category 1 Recommended Closures:
· National Armed Forces Day (Ref no 97) – This motion called for the Council to bid for the National Armed Forces Day to be held in Belfast in June 2022. The Committee voted against the motion in September 2020 and, therefore, it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Summer Youth Employment Programme (Ref no 99) – This motion called for the Council to work with other public sector bodies, the Belfast Chamber of Commerce and the private sector to develop a summer Youth Employment Programme, aimed at 14 – 21 year olds primarily from areas of multiple deprivation. The Employability and Skills team delivered a pilot 6 week paid ‘Belfast Summer Work Experience’ programme to 30 young people of which 30 achieved Level 1 City and Guilds accreditation in Personal Development and Employability Qualifications. Therefore, it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Re-opening doctors’ surgeries (Ref no 136) – As requested, the Council’s views were expressed in writing to the Minister of Health.
· 50th Anniversary of Bloody Friday (Ref no 248) –This motion called for the Council to provide citizens with the opportunity to engage in a programme of commemoration and education, designed to build positive relationships for the future. An event was held on 21st July 2022 in response to this motion and it is, therefore, recommended that this motion be closed.
· Belfast Region City Deal (Ref no 253) - This motion requested that a further update on the latest position of the BRCD be presented to the Committee in June 22. This update was provided and, therefore, it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill (Ref no 256) – This motion was a request for the UK Government to abandon the aforementioned Bill. This Bill has now made its way through the House of Commons and is at second stage in the House of Lords. Therefore, it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Care home and top up fees (Ref no 259) - As requested, the Council’s views were expressed in writing to the Department of Health and it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Support the Caterpillar strike for fair pay (Ref no 260) – The Council was asked to write to the senior management urging them to enter discussion with trade unions to negotiate a fair pay increase. As the proposed strike was called off, no letter was required and it is recommended that this motion be closed.
· Continuance of hybrid meetings (Ref no 261) – As requested, the Council’s views were expressed in writing to the Department of Communities, with an update provided to this Committee on 19th August 2022.
Category 2 Recommended Closures:
· Menopause Awareness (Ref no 52 ) –This motion called for the Council to work with Trades Unions to ensure that the council and it’s staff are menopause aware, have an understanding of the support available and recognise it as a workplace issue. The Menopause Policy has now been agreed with the Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee and will be implemented. Therefore, it is recommended that this motion be now closed.
· Disabled People and Older People (Ref no 74) – This motion called for the Council to recommit to the commitment made in the Belfast Agenda to be an accessible city for all by 2035. It called for a focus on consultation with disabled people, older people and carers; creation of a reference group for older people and creation of an access and inclusion senior staff role. The draft Age Friendly Belfast Plan 2022–2026 is currently out for consultation and emerging priorities include infrastructure and social inclusion. Work continues with the Council’s Internal Reference Group on Older People and council have secured funding for an Age-Friendly Co-ordinator with recruitment commencing in Autumn 22. Therefore, it is recommended that this motion is now closed.
· Opening our Streets for Everyone (Ref no 80) – This motion called for the Council, as part of its recovery programme post Covid 19, to identify opportunities to enhance the city by looking at ways to encourage less car presence, affording businesses extra space and supporting the move towards reduced car use to help create a cleaner, greener, healthier city for all. The Council has subsequently taken a number of measures as part of Covid recovery to support businesses and communities in relation to this motion, including delivery of the DfC Covid Recovery Revitalisation Programme, one- off capital grants to various community groups and business clusters and the implementation of a temporary process for pavement café licensing with no associated fee. Further elements of proposals put forward within this motion will be incorporated as part of the BV Strategy and will be brought back to the Committee. Therefore, it is recommended that this motion be now closed.
3.5 Financial and Resource Implications
There are no additional financial implications required to implement these recommendations.
3.6 Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment
There are no equality, good relations or rural needs implications contained in this report.”
After discussion, the Committee:
i. approved the closure of those motions outlined in paragraph 3.4 of the report, with the exception of number 74 – Disabled People and Older People which, at the request of the proposer, Councillor McMullan, was to remain open;
ii. noted that officers would continue to work to ensure that motions were allocated to the appropriate area/s of responsibility;
iii. agreed that, in future, the proposer of a motion being recommended for closure would be informed in advance of the quarterly report being presented to the Committee; and
iv. agreed that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on how the Summer Youth Employment Programme referred to within paragraph 3.4 of the report, could be enhanced in 2023.
Supporting documents: