Agenda item


            (Mrs. R. Crozier, Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure attended in connection with this matter.)


The Committee considered the following report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


1.1    Currently BCC has an arrangement with CBC regarding burials for its residents. Castlereagh Borough Council pays one quarterof the difference between the Belfast resident and non Belfast resident charge for burials which is £300. In addition, a £100 per month management / administration fee is also paid to BCC by CBC.  This is a long standing arrangement and relates to the fact that CBC has no burial grounds of its own and Roselawn and Dundonald Cemeteries lie within the CBC boundary.


1.2    In Lisburn City Council (LCC) there is no such arrangement as they have a number of cemeteries within its boundaries.  However the relevant issue is that former CBC residents availing of the arrangement with Belfast are now joining with LCC as part of local government reform.  Also some former LCC residents who would have bought graves in Blaris for example will now fall within BCC boundaries and will have to pay the higher non resident rates charged by LCC for subsequent grave openings.


2.      Key Issues


         Discussions have been ongoing with Lisburn and Castlereagh regarding the impact of the changes on burial charges to residents and non residents.  Both Councils have presented written reports to the Shadow Environmental Services Committee.


         The analysis has highlighted that there are potentially 1041 grave lease at Blaris that will be affected by residents transferring from LCC to BCC.


         A number of options were put forward to the Shadow Environmental Services Committee for LCCDC regarding providing a subsidy for transferring LCC residents to assist with the increase from Resident to non resident rates.


         The option adopted by the committee was a phased subsidy for former LCC residents in line with the 3 year rates convergence period.


         In contrast 26k residents moving into the Belfast City Council area from CBC/LCC will experience a reduction of over 60% in purchasing a grave in comparison to the previous non resident charge they would have paid as LCC/CBC residents.


3.      Resource Implications




         The issue relates to subsequent re-openings for LCC residents moving into Belfast – currently their charge is £312 for residents and goes up to £1,150 for non-residents (£838 of a difference)


         In year 1 this differential would be subsidised by 100%, year 2 66.6%, year 3 33.3% and in year 4 the former Lisburn resident with a grave in Blaris would be paying the full non resident rate


         Human Resources



Asset and Other Implications



4.      Equality and good relations implications


         There are no equality implications as the price is applied to all LCC/CBC residents moving into Belfast City Council area.


5.      Recommendation


         To note the content of the report and the option adopted  Lisburn and Castlereagh’s Shadow Environmental Services Committee.”


Concern was expressed by a number of Members in relation to the decision which had been taken by the Shadow Lisburn and Castlereagh District Council in respect of the burial charges which would be levied on its former ratepayers for the opening and re-opening of graves. It was pointed out that former ratepayers who had purchased graves in the Blaris Cemetery, particularly those from within the Poleglass and Twinbrook areas, would be faced with an increased cost of £838.00 to open or re-open a grave which had been bought, in good faith, whilst they had resided within the former Lisburn City Council. It was suggested that party briefings be provided, to those parties who so wished, in respect of the impact such an increased cost would have on residents transferring to within the Council’s boundary on 1st April.


            The Committee noted the contents of the report and it was agreed that party briefings be provided, as outlined, to those parties who so wished to receive them.


Supporting documents: