Alderman Copeland and Councillors Beattie, Black, Canavan, Carson, M. Donnelly, Duffy, Gormley, McCabe, McCullough, Ó Néill and Verner declared an interest in agenda item “Department for Communities Letter of Officer Community Support Programme” within the People and Communities minutes, in that they were associated with or worked for an organisation which was in receipt of funding.
Councillors Beattie, Canavan and Verner declared an interest in agenda item “Social
Supermarket Update” of the People and Communities Committee minutes in that they were associated with or worked for an organisation which was in receipt of funding and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.
Councillor Groogan declared an interest in relation to the items “Shared City Partnership minutes” within the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes and “Notice of Motion - Playful Belfast City Streets” , “Department for Communities Letter of Officer Community Support Programme” and “Social Supermarket Update” within the People and Communities minutes in that she was employed by the Forward South Partnership who were in receipt of funding and left the meeting whilst the item “Social Supermarket Update” was under consideration.
Councillor Nelson declared an interest in item “Consultation on the Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome – Council Response” on the basis that he was employed by an organisation which received funding from the Department of Health.
Councillor Ferguson declared an interest in respect of agenda item “Update on the Physical Programme” under the Strategic Policy and Resources minutes, in so far as it related to the refurbishment of the Belfast Orange Hall under the Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund, on the basis that he was a member of Duke of Schomberg LOL 486, which held meetings in the building and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.
Alderman Lawlor and Councillor R. Brooks declared an interest in relation to the following item under the Planning Committee minutes “LA04/2022/0118/F – The proposed erection of 46No.appartment units over three stories, with associated car parking site and landscaping works and the alteration of an existing vehicular access. 146 Parkgate Avenue, Strandtown”, in that they worked for Gavin Robinson MP, who had submitted correspondence in support of the application.
Councillor McDowell declared an interest in respect of agenda item “Update on the Physical Programme” under the Strategic Policy and Resources minutes, in so far as it related to the refurbishment of the Belfast Orange Hall under the Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund, on the basis that he was a trustee and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.
Councillors Gormley, McCullough and I. McLaughlin, Nic Bhranair, declared an interest in respect of agenda item “Update on the Physical Programme” under the Strategic Policy and Resources minutes, in that the organisations they worked for was in receipt of the Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.
Councillor Whyte declared an interest in relation to the item “Update on The MAC (Metropolitan Arts Centre)” within the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes as the Company he works for is a supplier for the MAC.
In relation to the Standards and Business Committee, Councilor Doherty declared an interest in that he was a Board Member for West Wellbeing – Suicide Awareness.
Councillors McCabe and Nic Bhranair declared an interest in item “Major Events Update” under the City Growth and Regeneration Minutes in that the organisations they worked for were associated or in receipt of funding.
Councillors Long, McKeown and Smyth declared an interest in respect of agenda item “Consultation on the Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome” under the Strategic Policy and Resources minutes on the basis that they were employed by the Department of Health.
Councillor de Faoite declared an interest in item “Data Protection” under the Strategic Policy and Resources minutes, on the basis that the named individual referred to had made a complaint against him to the Standards Commissioner, which was currently under review, having been decided.