Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on various housing-led regeneration activities across the city.


            The Committee:


                         I.        Noted the update in respect of the Inner North-West Development Brief, comprising Council and Department for Community owned lands at Little Donegall Street, Library Street and Kent Street and approved the re-issue of a reframed Development Brief to the Housing Associations, in line with the revised wording on the residential mix and the inclusion of a terminal deferred payment approach to the land value, as set out in the report.  Noted that the revised wording had been endorsed by the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 13 September 2023;


                       II.        Noted the update on the Regeneration Development Opportunity: Multi-Site Residential Led Regeneration Expressions of Interest process for various Council (and other public sector) lands, as noted by the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 13 September 2023.  Approved the commencement of the Competitive Dialogue Procurement to seek an Investment / Development Partner as set out in the report and further detailed in the City Growth and Development Committee report at Appendix 1.  Noted that, following completion of this process, a further report would be brought back to this Committee to seek approval to the recommendation for an investor/development partner;


                      III.        Noted the update in respect of Phase 2 City Wide Strategic Site Assessments and that a further detailed report and recommendations on the next steps would be brought back in respect of the various Council lands identified through this process and, as appropriate, wider public sector assets identified as part of the ongoing work of   the Housing Led Regeneration Group (via Community Planning structures);


                     IV.        Agreed that a report on the possible options for the vesting of the Tribeca site be submitted to a future meeting; and


                       V.        Agreed that a report be submitted to the Committee on the process and proposed timelines on the next steps in relation to the city-wide Strategic Site Assessments, with regular reports on these strategic sites being submitted to the Area Working Groups.


Supporting documents: