Agenda item


            Moved by Councillor Black

            Seconded by R-M. Donnelly


      That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 22nd September, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.




Organisational Reviews - Democratic Services

and Equality and Diversity Units


              Moved by Councillor R. McLaughlin

              Seconded by Councillor Beattie and


      Resolved – that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee outlining how the Council conducts organisational reviews, setting out a Terms of Reference, along with options for both an internal and an external review into the process.


Update on Area Working Groups - East


            In response to a Member’s query, the City Solicitor confirmed that there was no legal impediment regarding the £8,000 of funding to expedite the new toilet facilities at the Cregagh Wanderers container and that the refurbishment could proceed.


Update on Area Working Groups - North


Moved by Councillor Whyte,

Seconded by Councillor de Faoite


      That the decision in respect of the Malgrove project be brought back to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in order to consider the reallocation of funding.


            On a recorded vote, five Members voted for the proposal and fifty-one against and it was accordingly declared lost.




For 5


Against 51

Councillors de Faoite, Doherty, Lyons, McKeown, and Whyte.

The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Councillor Murphy);

Aldermen Lawlor, McCoubrey, McCullough and Rodgers;

Councillors Anglin, Beattie, Bell, Black, Bower,  Bradley, R. Brooks, T. Brooks, Bunting, Canavan, Carson, Cobain, Collins, M. Donnelly, P. Donnelly,

R-M Donnelly, Doran, D. Douglas,

S. Douglas, Duffy, Ferguson, Flynn, Garrett, Gormley, Hanvey, Kelly, Long, Magee, Maghie, Maskey, F. McAteer, G. McAteer, McCabe, McCormick, McCusker, McDonough-Brown, McDowell, I. McLaughlin, R.McLaughlin, Murray, Nelson, Nic Bhranair, Ó Néill, Smyth, Verner and Walsh.



            The Chief Executive agreed that a report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee outlining the accounting treatment in relation to the allocation of funding for BIF.


Contracts Update - Retrospective Single Tender Actions


            In response to a request from a Member, regarding the recent failure and subsequent replacement of boilers at two Council sites, the Chief Executive agreed that a report would be submitted to a future meeting in respect of a conditions survey of the Council’s major pieces of equipment.


Contracts Update – Single Tender Actions


            Moved by Councillor R. McLaughlin,

            Seconded by Councillor Beattie and


         Resolved – that, in the interest of full scrutiny, future reports on Single Tender Actions (STA) include more detail for the Committee to consider; and

that the proposed STA relating to the “Supply, delivery and commissioning of replacement illuminate lighting fittings and ancillary equipment as part of the PPM maintenance programme”, of up to £60,000, be referred back to the Committee for further consideration.


Motion – Save West Wellbeing Suicide Awareness


            In response to a request from a Member, the Chief Executive agreed that a letter would be issued to West Wellbeing Suicide Awareness to clarify the Committee’s decision in respect of potential future funding.


Adoption of Minutes


            Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 22nd September were approved and adopted.


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