Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to update Committee on the progress of all Notices of Motion for which SP&R Committee is responsible for.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       It is recommended that the Committee:


·        Note the updates to all Notices of Motion that SP&R Committee is responsible for and

·        Agree to the closure of Notice of Motion 138 as referenced in Appendix 1 and paragraph 3.4 below.


3.0       Main report




3.1       At SP&R Committee on 25th October 2019, the following Notice of Motion was agreed:


            ‘That this Council notes that other Councils produce a monthly status report in relation to Notices of Motion; and agrees Belfast City Council adopts a similar practice and produces a monthly Notice of Motion Update which will be brought to each full Council Meeting, detailing the following:


1.     Date received

2.     Notice of motion title

3.     Submitted by which Councillor

4.     Council meeting date

5.     Committee motion is referred to

6.     Outcome of committee where Notice of Motion will be debated

7.     Month it will be reported back to committee

8.     Other action to be taken.’


3.2       Following a review exercise, a new database containing all Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance at Committee was created and quarterly reporting to Committee commenced in March 2021.  Appendix 1 is the latest quarterly update showing all active Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance which SP&R Committee is responsible for.


            Closure of Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance


3.3       At Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 20th November 2020, it was agreed that Notices of Motion could be closed for one of two reasons:


1.     Notices of Motion which contained an action(s) that has been completed; and

2.     Notices of Motion have become Council policy.


3.4       SP&R Committee are asked to agree that the following Notice of Motion is now closed:


            Category 2 Recommended Closure:


·        World Environment Day (138) – This NOM called on the Council to support biodiversity and take positive actions towards tackling the climate emergency by working with partners in range of areas, including marking World Environment Day on June 5th and through the development of awareness raising content and development of a programme of digital or physical events to support our citizens in challenging climate change. The Climate Team is developing a calendar of key dates with Corporate Communications, ensuring appropriate messaging is developed in advance. The Communication Plan will be delivered through the BCC Climate Action Plan. Therefore it is recommended that this NOM is now closed.


3.5       Financial and Resource Implications


            There are no additional financial implications required to implement these recommendations.


3.6       Equality or Good Relations Implications/

            Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no equality, good relations or rural needs implications contained in this report.”



            The Committee:


·        noted the updates to all Notices of Motion that the Committee was responsible for;


·        agreed to the closure of Notice of Motion 138, that is, World Environment Day; and


·        that a report be submitted to a future meeting on the Motion approved by the former Brexit Committee on the Commission of a report to examine the opportunities for economic development.


Supporting documents: