Agenda item


            The Director of City Regeneration and Development and the Development Manager provided an update to Members on the ongoing activities as part of the UP2030 Net Zero Neighbourhoods Project including stakeholder engagement, workshops, partnership working and highlight upcoming milestones.


            The Committee was reminded that, in March 2022, the Council was invited to participate in a three-year Horizon Europe consortium funding application from the Urban Planning 2030 (UP2030) fund to guide cities through the transitions required to meet their climate neutrality ambitions. As reported in November 2022 and March 2023, the City Regeneration and Development and Climate teams were successful in joint bid of €204,250/£176,024 to further an integrated approach between urban planning, achieving net zero and aspects of resilience. It was noted that Belfast was a pilot city within the Horizon UP2030 project which would focus on the development of a net zero neighbourhood framework and toolkit and the use of climate tools to support analysis, mapping and engagement in city neighbourhoods.


            It was reported that, as agreed at the Committee in March 2023, the geographic area of the UP2030 pilot covered an area bounded by May Street and Shaftesbury Square, and the Gasworks and Great Victoria Street, and adjacent city centre communities in the Market, Donegall Pass and Sandy Row, and to include the area bounded by the M1, the Inner Ring and Divis Street, which aligns with A Bolder Vision, Net Zero Roadmap, and provided a holistic mix of local communities, city centre living, commercial and tourism and hospitality. However, it was impressed that, whilst this work was undertaken within a defined boundary, the purpose was to produce a framework that could be adapted and used within all communities and districts to set forward net zero tailored approaches, attract funding and deliver climate adaption plans tailored for the uses of that specific district.


            The Development Manager advised that the primary focus of UP2030 was on the development of a Net Zero (NZ) Neighbourhood Framework that was shaped around three thematic areas: active travel, greening and retrofit.  These themes linked across to the UP2030 pillars of a fair and just transition, carbon neutrality and resilience.


            She highlighted that Cities accounted for 70% of the global CO2 emissions and consumed 78% of the world’s energy. The UP2030 project was about recognising the role cities play in achieving net zero by 2050, and the sequence of actions and transitions that would be required by 2030 to ensure this target ambition is met. The ‘5UP’ approach guides the work of the project and the considerations required for the development of a framework for creating a net zero neighbourhood:


        UP-Dating: Identifying the needs and barriers, and reviewing the processes, planning codes and policies that should be urgently updated to create future proofed NZ neighbourhoods;

        UP-Skilling: Building capacities to upskill the entire stakeholder ecosystem, from city departments to urban practitioners to the construction industry, through to citizens;

        UP-Grading: Considering the transformation at the suitable physical scale;

        UP-Scaling: Scaling solutions and integrating them across sectors by shaping governance arrangements and matching financial resources; and

        UP-Taking: Sharing knowledge and learning through the project to create long-lasting communities of practice.


            The Development Manager informed the Committee that the project commenced in February 2023 and would run until December 2025. She pointed out that it was driven by robust project milestones and constant engagement across the consortium that was made up of 46 partners, with Belfast one of 11 pilot cities and only UK city.


            She described the progress to date, together with the key milestones achieved, stakeholder engagement and workshop delivery. 


            She highlighted that data collection and analysis had provided another layer of understanding of the UP2030 area and helped identify further needs, challenges and opportunities for net zero led regeneration to future proof the area and communities.


            The Committee:


        Noted that Belfast, represented by Belfast City Council, was a pilot city within the Horizon Europe UP2030 project which was focused on the development of a net zero neighbourhood framework using technical tools and support that were provided through the UP2030 consortium including analysis, mapping and engagement;


        Noted the update on the ongoing UP2030 Net Zero neighbourhoods project, with further updates to be brought back to Committee as this progressed; and


        Noted that an update report on UP2030 was also being brought to the Climate and City Resilience Committee (13th June).


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