Agenda item


            The Director of Planning and Building Control reminded the Members that, at the People and Communities Committee meeting on the 9 April 2024, it was agreed to write to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) urgently seeking the Minister to bring forward a Dilapidation Bill.


            In addition, the Committee had agreed to write to the Department for Communities (DfC) and the Department of Finance (DoF) seeking the allocation of a package of funding to assist councils to more effectively tackle the problems associated with Dilapidation.


            Accordingly, letters from the Committee were issued to all three recipients on 17th May 2024.


            She reported that DAERA had responded on the 21st May 2024 recognising that the existing legislation used by councils in respect of dilapidation was dated and geographically fragmented. The response sets out that a draft bill had been prepared which aimed to consolidate and enhance existing legislation and improve the cost recovery ability of councils. Subject to the agreement of the Executive, the Minister was intending to introduce the Bill to the Assembly after the summer recess this year. It was anticipated that the Bill would provide councils with a modern and fit-for-purpose regime, including clear powers to tackle dilapidated and dangerous buildings and neglected sites.


            DfC had responded on the 31st May 2024 setting out that the Department did not currently have any funding programme which would assist councils to be more effective in tackling the problems associated with dilapidation. Whilst the Department had previously operated the Urban Development Grant Scheme, it was not currently open for applications.


            Further, the response sets out that the Executive had an agreed 2024/25 budget, and the Minister would be allocating this funding against existing commitments and Ministerial priorities.


            Finally, the DoF had responded on the 29th May 2024 setting out that the issue of dilapidated buildings was an area where the Minister had specific interest as the Minister responsible for rating matters. The response sets out that bringing dilapidated buildings back into use can play a key role in growing the overall taxbase and can have a restraining effect on the overall poundage levels within the system.


            The response sets out the rating system for dilapidated buildings that are still usable and those that are truly derelict. Further, the response sets out that the Back in Business scheme had been restored at the Assembly which would incentivise the use of long-term vacant retail space.


            The response stated that, whilst there is a 50% rating liability on properties that are dilapidated but still usable as a unit, there is no such approach for those properties that are truly derelict as they are removed from the rating system entirely. The Minister is of the opinion that refurbishment of such property is probably a matter better addressed through carefully thought-out proposals for capital spend directed at regeneration, and that any business case brought forward at Executive level to advance proposals of this nature would be considered.


            The Committee noted the contents of the responses received from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Department for Communities and Department of Finance as well as ongoing work within the Council which would be reported to a future meeting of the Committee.


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