Agenda item


            The Senior Planning Officer presented the Committee with an overview of the application and explained the following key issues for consideration:


·        Principle of the proposed development;

·        Acceptability of the design of the new pavilion and ancillary development;

·        Impact on the setting of the adjacent Listed Dundonald House;

·        Impact on trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order;

·        Impact on natural heritage;

·        Traffic Impact/parking;

·        Environmental protection;

·        Drainage, flood risk and climate change;

·        Employability and Skills; and

·        Pre-Application Community Consultation.


            She stated that, following the submission of further information, DAERA NIEA Water Management Unit, Regulation Unit and Natural Environment Division had no objections to the proposal subject to conditions and that Special Environmental Services (SES) had carried out an appropriate assessment on behalf of the Council and advised that the project would not have an adverse effect on the integrity of any European site either alone or in combination with other plans or projects subject to mitigation measures which were recommended as conditions.


            She pointed out that the proposal would result in substantial loss of trees across the site and the Council’s Tree Officer had stated that they were unable to support the application and advised that the removal of large groups of existing trees within the site would be detrimental and impact the existing amenity, wildlife, habitat, and impact visual character within the site which the trees currently provided.


            She reported that five representations had been received which raised concerns regarding a lack of parking and the impact on nearby residential streets, amenity impacts such as noise, floodlighting and trees and wildlife.  She informed the Committee that DfI Roads had considered the proposal and objections, and raised no objection to the proposal, subject to conditions.


            The Senior Planning Officer stated that, having regard to the development plan and other material considerations, the proposal was, in the planning balance, considered acceptable and it was recommended that planning permission would be granted, subject to conditions.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr. K. Devlin and Mr. G. Kelly, NICSSA, to the meeting.  In response to a question from a Member with regard to ash dieback and the preservation of trees, Mr. Kelly explained that trees had been planted within the estate for the past 30 years, many of which were planted along the site border with the Newtownards Road, to provide coverage, reduce sound and visual activity and had also brought in conservation volunteers to plant other trees on the site.


            He stated that more trees were being planted than being removed and that NICSSA had a long history of preserving trees.  Mr. Devlin explained that of the 404 trees that were being removed, 23% were early mature trees.  He added that, from a maintenance perspective, the proposal was being used as an opportunity to maintain and protect the site and would take all necessary precautions to reduce tree loss on the site.


            In response to a Member’s question regarding car parking during large events, Mr. Kelly advised the Committee that parking for such events would be provided within the Stormont Estate.


            The Planning Manager explained that the proposal did not comply with the tree policy, however, on balance, having regard to the wider community benefit and health and wellbeing, it was considered acceptable.


            The Chairperson put the officers’ recommendation to the Committee and on a vote by show of hands, 15 Members voted for the recommendation and one against and it was declared carried.


            Accordingly, the Committee granted planning permission, subject to conditions and delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and to deal with any other issues that arise, provided that they were not substantive.


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