Agenda item


            The Director of Dity and Organisational Strategy submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to update members on the findings of the public consultation on the draft performance improvement objectives and to present the draft Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 2024-25 for Committee approval and publication.   


2.0       Recommendations


2.1         The Committee is asked to:


i.       approve the draft Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 2024-25 attached in Appendix 1 and authorise its publication on the council’s website by the statutory deadline of 30 June 2024, subject to formal ratification by council on the 1 July 2024.


3.0       Main report




3.1       Members will be aware that the council has a statutory duty to consult residents on proposed improvement objectives and to develop an annual PIP, which must be published by the 30 June each year. The PIP identifies the agreed improvement objectives for the year ahead and the actions to be undertaken to achieve them. The PIP doesn’t represent everything that the council plans to do, but focuses on a set of key improvement objectives, as informed by the evidence base and consultation and engagement feedback.


3.2       The performance improvement objectives are aligned to the key themes and priorities identified within the new refresh of the Belfast Agenda and the emerging draft Corporate Plan.  This provides a balanced approach to identifying improvement objectives that contribute to improving services, council functions and the quality of life for residents and communities. Members should also note that the council’s strategic and collective partnership commitments to deliver shared city outcomes for the citizens of Belfast and the continuous improvement of internal organisational priorities will continue to be delivered and enhanced as part of the Corporate Plan and the Belfast Agenda.


            Consultation exercise and findings


3.3       In March, Members approved six draft improvement objectives, which were issued for public consultation. In April 2024, we commenced a public consultation process over an 8 - week period and received 92 responses, more than double the responses from last year.  In assessing the findings of the consultation, it should be noted that:


·        broad consensus across a majority of respondents supporting the improvement objectives.

·        the highest level of 89% was received from respondents who strongly agreed or agreed with ‘Our people and communities’ improvement objective based on supporting our residents to become healthier and engaged.

·        the lowest of level of 76% was received from respondents who strong agreed or agreed with ‘Our economy’ improvement objective based on helping business start-ups and growth and creating opportunities for more and better jobs and employment and encouraging inclusive growth. 


3.4       In seeking feedback on other improvement suggestions for the consideration of council, 55 qualitative comments were received. Appendix 2 sets out a high-level assessment of the consultation findings including a recommended council response and action on how the proposed changes will be taken forward. 


3.5       In response to feedback received in relation to the need to provide more detail to help clarify the intent behind some of the improvement objectives and how the actions outlined will help achieve improvement, minor changes to some of the objectives has been proposed. Some of the actions have also been realigned across the improvement objectives to provide greater clarity on how they will contribute to the intended area of improvement.


3.6       It should be noted that some of the feedback received in relation to possible additional improvement objectives and/or actions in the PIP, are set out below.  Members will be aware that such areas are already being progressed through existing strategies, plans and structures including, for example, the Belfast Agenda 2024-28, the Belfast Local Development Plan and A Bolder Vision Strategy, including:


·        Enhancing active travel infrastructure and opportunities to improve and enhance the cycling, walking and public transport infrastructure. 

·        Prioritising action on climate, including retrofitting existing buildings.

·        Addressing city centre improvements and interventions such as vacancy rates and bringing forward a programme of interventions aimed at facilitating a clean, green, inclusive, and safe city centre delivered through a multi-agency group.

·        Addressing key issues across the city such as homelessness and addiction support through delivery of the collaborative Complex Lives Model.   


3.7       In discussing the consultation feedback with key officers across council, the following additional improvement actions have been included in the PIP:


·        An improvement action to keep parks and open spaces clean and free from litter.

·        Climate action such as the development of a sustainable food strategy.

·        Promoting and educating young people on the reduce, reuse, and recycle message.

·        A review of litter bins across the city and consideration of recommendations.


3.8       Draft Performance Improvement Plan 2024-25


            Based on the consultation feedback and engagement with key council officers, the improvement objectives have been updated (see below) and incorporated within the draft PIP 2024-25, attached at Appendix 1. 


Our services

We will continue to adapt and improve our services to better meet the needs of our residents and stakeholders.

Our people and communities

We will improve our local areas and provide opportunities to support our residents to become healthier and engaged.

Our place

We will create a more vibrant, attractive, and connected city (including the city centre).

Our planet

We will champion climate action; protect the environment and improve the sustainability of Belfast.

  Our economy

We will stimulate inclusive growth and innovation, help businesses to start-up and grow and create opportunities for more and better jobs and employment.

 Compassionate city

We will support our residents through the cost-of-living crisis.









































3.9       Members are asked to approve the draft PIP 2024-25 in Appendix 1 and to authorise its publication on the council website by 28 June 2024.  In order to meet our statutory deadline, the plan will be published subject to formal ratification by full council meeting on the 1 July 2024.



3.10      Financial and Resource Implications


            The improvement plan has already been reflected in the formal planning and budgeting processes of council; there are no resource implications contained in this report. 


3.11      Equality or Good Relations Implications/

            Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no direct equality, good relations or rural needs implications of the PIP 2024-25.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: