Agenda item


            The Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services reminded the Members that work was ongoing to progress the Belfast Pitches Strategy. A report outlining the background to the need for development of the Strategy, an indicative timeline for commissioning and an overview of the Terms of Reference had been presented to People and Communities Committee in August 2023.  It was expected that a draft strategy would be presented to Committee in March 2025.


            As part of that work and in the interim period of producing the Pitches Strategy, officers were committed to continuing to work on an area-by-area basis to identify, agree and secure quick wins at our existing sites.


            Following confirmation of a recurring budget of £500,000 for pitch improvements, officers had identified the following facilities and associated works for immediate progression in the 24/25 financial year:


·        North - Mallusk Playing Fields


      The creation of an additional two full-size GAA pitches to include all relevant GAA posts, ball stops, nets and including the conversion of a shale area to grass.  This would create a total of four full size GAA pitches at that site.  A planning application had been submitted and it was expected that this work would be completed by February 2025;


·        East - Henry Jones Playing Fields


      Work was underway to install ball stops and spectator fencing at this GAA pitch.  A planning application had been submitted and work was expected to be completed by February 2025;


·        West - Falls Park


      Installation of ball stop netting for the GAA pitch. Recommended for approval by planning on 18th June with work expected to be completed by September 2024;


·        South - Strangford Ave Playing Fields


      Work was underway to convert one full-size soccer pitch into three small-sized soccer pitches and to reinstate a second disused full-size soccer pitch. This would maximise soccer provision at this site and cater for the displacement of SBYL soccer from Mallusk Playing Fields. This work would be completed by September 2024.


            Further scoping work was underway at all existing sites to create a stand-by list of ready to go projects as and when budget becomes available. Further details would be brought to committee in due course.


            In addition to these infrastructure improvements at Council facilities, officers were also working to identify partnership opportunities to secure community access to facilities owned by the Education Authority or by other sporting clubs. Work was ongoing in this regard, with a number of exploratory conversations and site visits underway.


            As part of that work, an opportunity to secure the continued use of Ashfield Boys’ High School as an intermediate soccer pitch for St Matthew’s FC had arisen at a cost of £30,000 per annum.  The Committee was therefore asked to consider this funding request which would be met from the pitches budget.


            The Committee noted the update on improvements to pitches across the city, granted approval of £30,000 to be met from the pitches budget to secure the use of Ashfield Boys’ High School as an intermediate soccer pitch for continued use by St Matthew’s Football Club; and noted also that this would be for a one-year period pending the development of the pitches strategy.


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