Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to advise Committee of two requests for support as follows:


1.      A request from the Belfast Hills Partnership for an increase in the level of funding support from Council


2.      A request for support for the provision of toilet facilities at Fullerton Park on 12th July from the County Antrim Grand Orange Lodge  


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Committee is asked to consider the requests as detailed below.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Belfast Hills Partnership


            Members may be aware that a report was presented to the June 2024 meeting of People and Communities Committee outlining a request for additional funding support from Belfast Hills Partnership (attached at Appendix 1). Given the associated financial implications, it was agreed that the request would be presented to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for decision.


3.2       Since its inception in 2005, Belfast City Council has been a key partner within the Belfast Hills Partnership.  This funding has enabled the organisation to grow and develop from a small team of three individuals to today’s team which consists of 6 full time members of staff and 9 part time staff bodies which allows the partnership to deliver a wide range of programmes within the Belfast City Council area including:


·        Habitat & species surveys & improvements

·        Environment education for young people

·        Volunteering opportunities

·        Addressing anti-social behaviour including fly tipping and wildfires

·        Tree propagation & planting

·        Community support & engagement

·        Information provision

·        Health walks


3.3       The April 2011 meeting of the former Parks and Leisure Committee approved an annual funding allocation to the Belfast Hills Partnership of £36,900 which has since been included in revenue budgets.


3.4       The Belfast Hills Partnership have highlighted consistent rising costs, which they advise they have tried to absorb internally by seeking to cut costs where possible – however, they are now in a position of seeking support from funding partners to continue delivering their services.  Whilst NIEA have confirmed that they will increase their funding to BHP by 37%, the Partnership is approaching their Council partners to seek additional funding.


3.5       Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council have confirmed that they have agreed an increase of 30% on current funding.  It should be noted that each council provides funding in proportion to the land area owned by each Council within the Belfast Hill’s Area and this arrangement will continue with these latest funding revisions.


3.6       The Belfast Hills Partnership currently receives £36,900 from Belfast City Council and have requested an increase of 30% (£11,070) to £47,970.


            Request from Co Antrim Grand Orange Lodge


3.7       A request has been received from the County Antrim Grand Orange Lodge for support in providing portable toilets at Fullerton Park at the annual Twelfth of July event. Following discussion at the Party Leaders’ Consultative Forum meeting held on 13 June 2024, it was agreed that the request would be presented to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for decision.


3.8       Committee are asked to consider providing £1,656 to the County Antrim Grand Orange Lodge to provide toilets for this event.


3.9       Financial & Resource Implications


            Belfast Hills Partnership


            Belfast Hills Partnership are requesting an additional £11,070 alongside the current allocation of £36,900.


            Members should note that if Committee is minded to approve this request, that monies would be considered from in-year underspends, with the increase for future years to be considered as a growth proposal.


            County Antrim Grand Orange Lodge


3.10      The County Antrim Grand Orange Lodge have requested £1,656 for provision of portable toilets. If Committee is minded to approve this request, funds will be met from within existing departmental budgets.



3.11      Equality Impact/Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no equality or rural needs implications associated with this report.”


            Belfast Hills Partnership


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the request in order to allow officers to check if the organisation was able to make an application under the discretionary funding.


            County Grand Orange Lodge


            The Committee approved the funding of £1,656 for the provision of portable toilets.



Supporting documents: