Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Committee is asked to note that Council has received several requests from event organisers to host events across several city park locations in 2024, including:


·        VC Glendale – Falling Leaves Irish National League Race – Falls Park

·        Ulster University – School of Art 175 Anniversary Light Show – Cathedral Gardens


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to grant authority to the applicants for the proposed events on the dates noted; subject to the completion of the appropriate event management plans and satisfactory terms being agreed by the Director of City & Neighbourhood Services and on the condition that the Event Organisers:


                                             I.           resolves all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

                                           II.          meets all statutory requirements including Public Liability Insurance cover, Health and Safety, and licensing responsibilities; and

                                          III.          shall consult with adjoining public bodies and local communities as necessary.


2.2       Please note that the above recommendations are taken as a pre-policy position in advance of the Council agreeing a more structured framework and policy for ‘Events’, which is currently being taken forward in conjunction with the Councils Commercial team.


3.0       Main Report


            Key Issues


3.1       If agreed, the event organiser or promoters will be required in advance of the event to submit an event management plan for approval by the Council and all relevant statutory bodies.


3.2       This will include an assessment of how the event will impact upon the surrounding area and measures to mitigate these impacts.


            VC Glendale – Falling Leaves Irish National League Race – Falls Park - Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 October 2024



3.3       Belfast City Council has received a request from VC Glendale to host their annual Irish National League Cycling Race at Falls Park in October 2024. The falling leaves event has taken place at Falls Park for the last 8 years and has been supported by BCC during its time at the park. Due to the nature of the event, areas of the park will be required to be closed off to members of the public to allow the race to proceed safely and to ensure that no park users or participants are injured. There are expected to be around 500 people in attendance with participants and spectators attending from across the UK & Ireland.


3.4       Key dates for the event are:


·        Set Up – TBC

·        Main Event Day 1 – Saturday 5 October – 12pm to 3pm

·        Main Event Day 2 – Sunday 6 October - 8am to 4.30pm

·        De-Rig - TBC


3.5       The areas of the site the organisers plan to use are the grassed area beside the playground leading to the woodland area beside the cemetery; followed by the pathed area along the side of the Falls Road and across the bridge leading to the pitches. Participants will then cycle around the entirety of the parks pitched area.


3.6       The event organiser VC Glendale are a voluntary cycling club who are established as a cross community cycling club with members taking part in races across the UK & Ireland. The club have worked closely with Belfast City Council over the years to run this event with no issues occurring during this time.


            Ulster University – School of Art 175 Anniversary Light Show – Cathedral Gardens – Monday 18 November 2024 to Wednesday 20 November 2024


3.7       Belfast City Council has received a request from Ulster Universities School of Art to use Cathedral Gardens as part of their three-night Light Show to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the School or Art. The event is designed to be a collaboration between local artists and communities to tell the story of Belfast’s history ranging from the origins of the linen industry to moments during the troubles.


3.8       The event will be an animated light show projected onto buildings such as St Anne’s Cathedral and the Belfast Campus of Ulster University. It will be a free ticketed event with pre-registration taking place on-line to ensure the site does not go over its capacity.


3.9       Key dates for the event are:


·        Set Up – Monday 18th November at 9am

·        Main Event – Monday 18 November to Wednesday 20 November – 4.30pm to 9.30pm daily

·        De-Rig – Thursday 21st November


3.10      Financial and Resource Implications


            There are no known implications at this time.


3.11      Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no known implications.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations at paragraph 2.0 of the report.


Supporting documents: