Agenda item


The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To consider the responses from the Department for the Economy (DfE), the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and the Department for Communities (DfC) to recent correspondence from the Committee regarding the regulation of short term lets, such as Airbnbs, in Northern Ireland.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to note the contents of the responses received from DfE, DfI and DfC.


3.0       Main report


3.1       At the Licensing Committee meeting on 20th March 2024, the Committee agreed to write to the NI Executive regarding the regulation of short term lets, such as Airbnbs, in Northern Ireland. (Copy letter at appendix 1)


3.2       The Committee thought it important that the Executive ensure that an appropriate model is in place for the management of short term lets, and the extent to which they exist in any city and beyond, given the direct impact that they are having on communities, not least in terms of the affordability of buying or renting property.


3.3       The Minister for the Economy responded on the 24 May 2024 (Appendix 2) recognising that this is a complex area to deliver change in, with policy and operational responsibilities spanning a number of Executive Departments, Councils and other agencies.


3.4       The DfE has responsibility for the implementation of the Tourism (NI) Order but the scope of the Order is tightly defined and limits Tourism NI to inspecting properties to ensure that they meet a minimum standard of safety, cleanliness, and the provision of facilities.


3.5       The response sets out that due to significant growth in the number of self-catering properties certified by Tourism NI they will shortly be carrying out a review of the role of the certification of visitor accommodation. This review will examine options for the future regulation of visitor accommodation. However, any changes which are considered following the review will require new and/or amended primary legislation to be debated and approved by the Assembly.


3.6       In a response from the Department for Infrastructure on 20th May 2024 (Appendix 3) they advise that rent regulation is a specific responsibility of DfC under the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, and that DfC also has overall responsibility for housing policy including the provision of decent, affordable and sustainable homes.


3.7       In addition, DfI maintains that councils have the important responsibility for setting a vision for the long-term future development of their areas through the preparation of Local Development Plans (LDPs). In doing so councils have the flexibility to bring forward bespoke approaches to dealing with any local issues which affect their communities. Information in relation to Belfast City Council’s approach set out in our LDP is included in Appendix 5.


3.8       The response from DfC is included at Appendix 4. It sets out that policy responsibility for Airbnbs and short-term tourist accommodation lies with the Department for Economy and, its Arm’s Length Body, Tourism NI. It therefore suggests that the Council write to the Department for Economy about the issues raised in the letter.


3.9       Members are advised whilst we are well aware of the Council’s responsibilities and powers under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, it is the view of Officers that the necessary regulation of short term lets would go beyond the assessment of acceptability of such uses in land use terms.


Financial and Resource Implications


3.10     There are currently no financial or resource implications as a result of this report.


Equality or Good Relations Implications/

Rural Needs Assessment


3.11     There are no issues associated with this report.”

            During discussion, one Member expressed his disappointment in the responses and raised his concerns on the impact of Airbnbs such as Anti-Social behaviour experienced by residents, rises in property prices and rent costs. He suggested that the Council was limited in enforcement as it could only currently apply to individual properties and legislation was required to cap the numbers of short term lets in areas to sustain communities. He suggested that planned regulation of this accommodation was required to protect the integrity of neighbourhoods and well being of residents, visitors and legitimate operators.


            During discussion, the Director of Planning and Building Control suggested that the Committee could write to the Department for the Economy and Tourism NI to reiterate the need for legislation and highlight the impact and concerns raised by the Committee, and request that the Council be involved in the review that had been outlined in the correspondence. 


The Committee:


·        Noted the contents of the responses received from the Department for the Economy, Department for Infrastructure and the Department for Communities; and


·        Agreed to write to the Department for the Economy and Tourism NI to reiterate the need for legislation and highlight the impact and concerns raised by the Committee, and request that the Council was involved in the review that had been outlined in the correspondence.  


Supporting documents: