Agenda item


            The Planning Manager outlined the application for the Committee and highlighted the following key issues for consideration:


·             Principle of development;

·             Impact on the special architectural and historic qualities of the Listed Building and setting of adjacent Listed Buildings;

·             Impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area;

·             Design and placemaking;

·             Climate change;

·             Access and transport;

·             Health impacts;

·             Environmental protection;

·             Flood risk and drainage;

·             Waste-water infrastructure;

·             Waste management;

·             Natural heritage;

·             Employability and skills;

·             Section 76 planning agreement; and

·             Pre-application community consultation.


            He pointed out that the Listed curtilage buildings which had been proposed for demolition were later additions that were not of architectural or historic significance and had only benefited from Listed Building status through being curtilage buildings.  He added that they were unsuitable for modern educational needs, would be replaced by high quality buildings and that DfC Historic Environment Division (HED) had offered no objection to the demolition and concluded that the demolition of the Listed Building was wholly exceptional.


            He explained that the demolition of W Block, a later addition to the Soane Building, was wholly exceptional as it was not the most significant or authentic part of the Listed Soane Building, it was unsuitable for educational needs and that most of the interior had been lost through the years.  He stated that the proposal would facilitate the redevelopment with a much better building.


            The Planning Manager reported that Environmental Health required additional information in relation to land contamination, odour and noise He added that DfI Roads had also sought further information, however, the Planning Manager advised that there would be no increase in pupils, staff or vehicular trips.


            He stated that, having regard to the Development Plan and material considerations, it was recommended that planning permission, Listed Building Consent and Conservation Area Consent would be granted, subject to conditions.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr. P. Flemming, Flemming Mountstephen Planning, to the meeting who was attending on behalf of the applicant.


            Mr. Flemming outlined the campus vision and explained that the school attracted over 1,000 pupils into the city centre daily and that the proposal would address all of the school’s short and medium-term needs which was a critical element in the realisation of the long-term vision for the school campus.


            He stated that the proposed development had three inter-related elements, namely, demolition, new development and landscape works.  He explained that, in recent years, the school had invested heavily in its built heritage, Christ Church had been restored in partnership with the Belfast Buildings Preservation Trust for use as the school library and IT Centre and the Soane Building was the subject of a careful and award-winning restoration scheme. He added that other facilities in the school had been upgraded to ensure that ‘Inst’ as a city centre school remained attractive and provided the best quality education in all its forms.


            Mr. Flemming stated that the proposal would enhance the Listed Soane Building, the school campus and the City Centre Conservation Area and fully aligned with the vision, aims, objectives and strategic policies of the Belfast Local Development Plan Strategy.


            The Committee granted planning permission, Listed Building Consent and Conservation Area Consent, subject to conditions and delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions, to resolve whether Conservation Area Consent was required, in view of the application for Listed Building Consent. and to deal with any other issues that arise, to include the final consultation responses from DfI Roads and Environmental Health, provided that they were not substantive.  


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