Agenda item


“1.0     Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1To present additional detail on the emerging proposals being brought forward by    Officers in terms of the role of the Council in supporting the implementation of the recently published Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls and The Executive Office’s associated two-year delivery plan.




2.1That Members consider the following expanded proposals in relation to implementation of the EVAWG delivery plan in the city including:


i.       Make comments and agree allocation of £110,000 momentum funding to deliver an action plan across 9 thematic areas to support immediate in-year actions while the change fund is being established.

ii.     Approve the open call of a small grants programme to the community and voluntary sector to deliver projects between April 2025 and March 2026.

iii.    Agree to Administer funding which TEO assessed and is in the process of awarding eight leading CVS EVAWG expert organisations under the £1.2m Regional Change Fund to increase delivery and co-ordination of community, school and workplace based programmes and initiatives up to March 2026.


3.0Main Report


3.1At the SP&R Committee of 25th October 2024, the Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which provided details on the emerging proposals being brought forward by The Executive Office (TEO) in terms of the role of the Council in supporting the implementation of the recently published Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) and associated two-year delivery plan.


3.2The Committee noted the proposal and agreed that Council adopt a lead role for the allocation of Strand 1 funding to support a Belfast wide programme of activities in-year and over 25/26 year; and agreed that the Council also adopt a lead role for the allocation of Strand 2 funding to support a regionally wide programme of activities.




      The EVAWG Change Fund is an investment in community-based action over 15 months to March 2026 to support the Prevention Outcomes within the Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls, which are:


3.4There are two distinct strands to the Change Fund:


-       Strand 1 – Equip community groups to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls.  This will be supported by a localised grant scheme (£255k) with calls opening in the New Year to support delivery of projects from April 2025 to March 2026.

-       Strand 2 – Resource and mobilise regional community and voluntary sector to drive society wide action so that everyone understands what VAWG is and knows how to prevent it.  A £1.2m fund to increase delivery and co-ordination of community, school and work place based programmes and initiatives by leading CVS EVAWG expert organisations.


3.5While the Change Fund is being established, TEO have agreed to utilise a momentum fund to support immediate action.  The Belfast fund of £110k will enable council to implement emergency responses in the period to March 2025 in order to raise awareness and build on the ground momentum.


3.6The committee is asked to consider proposals under each of the 3 strands.




      Given the call for urgent action, TEO have offered £110,000 ‘momentum support’ to allow expansion of existing good work by council and communities during the current financial year.


      In response to a request from SP&R, TEO have confirmed that this money must be utilised in year and cannot be added to the small grant fund for utilisation into the next financial year.


      TEO indicate, while support must be community focused, council led programmes or commissioned services will be eligible. 


3.8Having sought advice from specialist sources and organisations, officers recommend the following initial menu of activity with a view to raising awareness for the EVAWG strategy, building capacity within our officer team in order to inform current and future service provision, build awareness and capacity within local community organisations to support applications to the Local Change Fund and to liaise with the cohort of expert regional organisations to maximise value for city based activity and programme support.


3.9The Committee is asked to agree that Officers further develop and submit an action plan to TEO under the following themes:







EVAWG Mobilisation Training Programme



Work with Men and Boys



Increasing Awareness & Visibility of EVAWG in Belfast



Area Events



Safety Awareness Sessions



Support for those Working with Very Vulnerable Women



Mobilising to Become Application Ready



Mobilising in the Same Direction



Creating Content






3.10     A full outline of the proposed Mobilisation Programme is attached at Appendix one. The intention is to build interest and awareness, improve capacity and knowledge and develop a strong foundation for service change and development and sector support. During the mobilisation programme Council will scope for gaps and explore the development of resources that may be useful with missed groups. 


3.11     There is however a challenge as to what can usefully be achieved in the short time-frame.  In order to maximise impact and fully utilise the available funds during the spend period to 31st March 2025, committee is asked to delegate authority to the Director to review progress and move or direct investment across the agreed themes


3.12     STRAND 2 - LOCAL CHANGE FUND  (£255,000)


      It is proposed that council launch an open call for small grant funding that will support community groups to deliver local events, projects or programmes of activity that deliver prevention, awareness raising and early intervention initiatives aimed at EVAWG within the communities they support. 


3.13     The Executive Office have instructed Council to award across 3 Tier’s which are outlined below:


      Tier 1 – Funding from £1,000 to £5,000

      Tier 2 – Funding from £10,000 to £15,000

      Tier 3 – Funding from £15,001 to £25,000


      Organisations can only apply for one tier of funding. 


3.14     The Executive Office requests that council ensures a balanced allocation across each of the 3 tiers and geographically pending the profile of applications received. They suggest that approximately 25% of funding be allocated to tier one and 25% to tier three applications. 


      Committee are therefore asked to agree the following indicative allocation model for the small grant programme.



Grant values

Allocation per Tier (indicative)

Minimum no of grants

Tier 1

£1,000 – £5,000

At least £65,000


Tier 2

£10,000 - £15,000

Approximately £90,000


Tier 3

£15,000 – £25,000

Up to £100,000







3.15     The table above outlines a preferred scenario but, given any final awards will be wholly dependent on the quantity and quality of application received, committee are asked that the Director of Neighbourhood Services is given delegated authority to amend the allocation per tier to enable a full committal of available grant resources within the agreed assessment timeframe.


3.16     As per previous committee approval, grants awards up to the value of £10,000 can be approved by the Director of Neighbourhood Services via delegated authority. Officers therefore propose that the Director can approve recommendations for Tier I grant awards (max £5k) up to the agreed ceiling (proposed as £65,000). All other grant recommendations will be tabled for committee consideration and approval.  


      Pending committee consideration, officers intend to proceed to an open call for applications in mid-January 2025.  Support will be provided in the form of General Guidance booklets for applicants and information sessions in line with the open call. 




      The Executive Office identified 8 organisations who were invited to provide proposals on ways their organisation might support delivery of the outcomes within the Prevention theme of the EVAWG Strategic Framework, using their existing EVAWG prevention programmes and initiatives:


o   Barnardo’s          

o   National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

o   Nexus NI

o   Relate NI

o   White Ribbon NI

o   Women’s Aid Federation NI (WAFNI)

o   Women’s Resource and Development Agency (WRDA)

o   Youth Action NI


3.18     All 8 organisations presented proposals to TEO for £150k (maximum individual award stated), totalling £1.2m. The EVAWG team have considered the proposals, carried out an in-depth review of how they align to the strategic outcomes and if they are value for money.  While assessments are being finalised, it is the opinion of the EVAWG team in TEO that all eight proposals are suitable for funding. They address the urgent issue of helping to end violence against women and girls and demonstrate a strong commitment to implementing evidence-based strategies, innovative approaches, and sustainable resources that promise impactful results in this critical area.


3.19     To facilitate committee awareness of the full portfolio, a summary description of what each organisation has proposed is included in the Appendices, supported by a statistical summary in terms of deliverables. 


3.20     TEO provide this information on a confidential basis with a caveat that it is still subject to the Executive Office and Department of Finance approvals including the following:


-       Final panel approval, once final clarifications are agreed

-       Senior Reporting Officer approval

-       Business case approval


3.21     If successful, support for this collective body of expert EVAWG work will enable government to advance its commitment to ending violence against women and girls and build the capacity of the community and voluntary sector to make a meaningful difference. The collaboration both between these organisations, and with central and local government in delivery of the change fund will facilitate the whole of society approach needed.


3.22     Belfast City Council will be informed when the successful organisations have been appointed and we will begin the administrative work of monitoring and voucher their outcomes and financial claim until March 2026.


3.23     Financial and Resource Implications


      The costs associated with the recommendations will be fully covered by the TEO letter of offer to the value of £1,565,000.  Officers are continuing to negotiate an appropriate management fee to cover the costs associated with delivery.


3.24     Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


      The EVAWG Strategy has been subject to a full EQIA and Rural Needs Assessment.