Agenda item


            (Mr. A. Hassard, Director of Parks and Leisure, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0  Relevant background information


1.1    At its meeting in January, the Committee agreed the resourcing and proposed composition of the Active Belfast Limited board of Directors.  Committee requested a further paper for its consideration on the recruitment criteria for the board of Directors, as well as ongoing community engagement mechanisms. 


2.0    Key issues


2.1    Criteria for recruitment


         There are 5 places to be filled via public advertisement and interview, not including the independent chairperson.  Volunteer Now recommend that for an open recruitment exercise, organisations should consider inviting individuals to submit their CV, to be measured against pre-defined criteria.  Applicants would demonstrate how their skills and qualities meet the demands of the role.  The suggested criteria are:




1.     Knowledge and experience of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

2.     In a position to make a voluntary time commitment of up to 10 days per annum




3.     Knowledge and experience of strategy development and implementation

4.     Applied knowledge of leisure, health and well-being current practice, challenges and opportunities

5.     Previous experience of working as a Director at a board level of a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation

6.     Specialist expertise in legal/accounting/governance issues.


         The Board will reserve two of the publicly advertised places: one, for an education stakeholder; and two, from a stakeholder from the disability sector.


         According to the registered Articles of Association, applicants cannot be regarded as having an interest or a conflict of loyalties as an officer, employee or elected member of the Council.


         The term of office is for up to 3 years.  A Director can be re-appointed to the Board for one term only.  While not applicable in this inaugural year, previous committee members cannot be reappointed within 3 years. 


         During the first year of operation, the Board will need to agree a succession plan to enable it to anticipate and manage turnover when members resign or reach the end of their term of office.  This will include rotation of political Members, to be agreed by SP&R Committee.  This will help to ensure openness and accountability, underpinned by effective planning to secure sufficient continuity. 


         Commitment expected


         On average the time commitment expected is no more than 10 days per annum. The Board will meet approximately 6 times per annum with meetings generally lasting 2-3 hours.  The position of Director is unpaid, with reimbursement for out of pocket expenses incurred by Directors in carrying out their role.




         Advice on the recruitment and training for the new Board will be sought from Pinsent Masons, as well as the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and voluntary sector specialists such as Volunteer Now.


2.2  User and Community Engagement


         As part of its partnership agreement with the Council, GLL is required to regularly engage with centre users and report on customer and community satisfaction with the services and programmes provided.  Their normal practice is to establish quarterly ‘Meet the Manager’ sessions, which is an open meeting where all customers are invited to speak face to face with the centre manager, with a view to improving the service.  It is GLL’s intention to roll out these meetings in Belfast later in the spring, following the immediate transition period. 


         Feedback from these meetings and other media (e.g. written customer complaints/compliments) will be used in their business planning processes, as well as their required Improvement Plan to Council. 


         In addition, as part of the equality obligations in the agreements, an annual review with Section 75 groups is required, to ensure that any specific impacts are not being missed in the neighbourhood-based ‘Meet the Manager’ sessions. 


3.0    Resource Implications


         Financial: A revenue grant has been agreed for Active Belfast Limited, up to £45,000 per annum.  The user and community engagement is part of the existing contract arrangements with GLL.


         Staff: Secretariat support to Active Belfast Board will continue to be provided.


         Assets: As per the contractual arrangements.


4.0    Equality Implications


         The Leisure Transformation Programme was screened in for a full Equality Impact Assessment. Its conclusions have been integrated into the relevant contractual agreements.


5.0    Committee decisions required


         Committee is asked to:


1.     Approve the selection criteria for the public recruitment of the Board of Directors

2.     Note the community and user engagement planned by GLL.”



            After discussion, during which the Director answered a number of questions in relation to community involvement and attendance allowance, the Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: