Agenda item


            The Director reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 12th December, it had agreed that the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum could surrender its current lease agreement with the Council in respect of Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre and that the facility be leased for a period of twenty-five years to the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group, subject to the Members of the Committee being provided with further information regarding the membership of the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum, the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group and the Inner South Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership, prior to the Council Meeting on 7th January.  However, in the event that information had not been provided.  Accordingly, a report, together with various appendices which contained the requested information, had been circulated with the papers for the current meeting.


            The Director advised the Committee that, following a decision of the former Client Services Committee, Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre had been leased by the Council to the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum for a period of ten years, commencing in October 2000.  The lease agreement had included a sports pitch adjacent to the Centre.  She explained that under a Service Level Agreement the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group delivered on behalf of the Forum a programme of activities in response to community needs.  She explained further that the Group had been awarded funding of £2.3 million, £1,925,000 of which would be provided by Sport Northern Ireland, to undertake improvements to the Centre, including the upgrading of the sports pitch.


            The Director pointed out that a Sport Northern Ireland condition required the lease for Shaftesbury to be held by the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group, since that organisation would be responsible for all the work being undertaken to the facility and for the efficient and effective operation of the Centre.   Hence the request from the Forum for permission to transfer the lease for the facility to the Group.  In addition, Sport Northern Ireland had indicated that the Group would be required to meet stringent funding requirements regarding openness and accountability.


            Following a lengthy discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor P. Maskey,

Seconded by Councillor Hartley,


      That the Committee affirms its decision of 12th December to transfer the lease for the Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre from the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum to the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group. 


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared lost.


                                                Development Committee,                                               D

                                          Wednesday, 16th January, 2008                                        235




Further Proposal


Moved by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly),

Seconded by Councillor McCarthy,


      That the new Management Committee for the Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre, as required by Sport Northern Ireland’s funding condition, be in place prior to the Committee agreeing to transfer the lease in respect of the Centre from the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum to the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group. 


            On a vote by show of hands four members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared lost. 


            Following further discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Convery,

Seconded by Councillor Ekin and


            Resolved – That the Committee agrees to permit the Council to enter into a direct lease arrangement with the Lower Ormeau Residents’ Action Group in respect of Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre, subject to the facility’s Management Committee, as required by Sport Northern Ireland, being cross?community, cross-Party and reflective of the population of South Belfast, and to this being in place prior to Sport Northern Ireland releasing its funding.  In addition, the Committee agrees, in order to facilitate this arrangement, that the lease dated 20th December, 2000 between the Council and the Lower Ormeau and Markets Community Forum be surrendered coterminously.


Supporting documents: