Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan


      Stage 2 of the BMAP Public Local Inquiry, coordinated by the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC), for the purpose of considering objections to the Draft BMAP Plan commenced on 1 October 2007.  The second phase of the inquiry has addressed the remaining strategic housing issues from Stage 1 and commenced consideration of the Site Specific issues for the different Council areas.


      The Council submitted Stage 2 written statements to the PAC on the 23 August 2007.  Following the subsequent exchange of evidence the Council directly participated in informal inquiry hearings in relation to remaining strategic housing issues and Belfast site specific issues including the Harbour Strategy; North Foreshore; Titanic Quarter; Gasworks Northern Fringe; Kennedy Way Park & Ride and the protection of urban trees. The participation was assisted by use of specialist witnesses who provided technical evidence to support the Council position at the Inquiry hearings and responded to any new evidence submitted by objectors or Planning Service.


      The inquiry process will continue through into 2008 and is currently considering issues from the other local authority areas. The remaining participation will focus on sites outside of the Belfast Council are in which there is either a direct Council interest due to ownership or potential for development proposals that could have a broader impact e.g. Sprucefield.


Key Issues


      This report provides a summary of the more significant site specific issues for which the Council made representations at the informal inquiry sessions:


-     Strategic Housing – The Council made representations on the following issues: BMAP contains no policy for sequencing and phasing the release of housing land; the issue of social housing and affordable housing is not addressed; the issue of windfall allowance and increased densities in Brownfield sites is not being considered before Greenfield land release. Planning Service stated that the site search sequence was carried


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      out at draft plan stage and there was limited capacity therefore phasing was not a necessary; social housing will be addressed at development control stage where a needs assessment is shown; and windfall allowances.  Increased densities were unknown factor that could not be adequately assessed.


-     Belfast Harbour Strategy – the Harbour Commissioners made representations for the Port of Belfast to be designated a Special Economic Zone, in recognition of its strategic importance, with reference to be made in the policy to expedite planning processes in relation to future planning applications.  Planning Service stated that the BMAP Harbour Strategy is already a positive policy which recognised the importance of the Harbour and did not agree to include a reference to expedite planning applications as this was considered an operational rather than plan matter.


-     North Foreshore – Planning Service conceded at the hearing that Draft BMAP zoning BHA 19 for new open space in North Foreshore should be removed and the wider North Foreshore area zoned as one mixed use site on the basis that the policy text would specify that open space is a major component of the development. Roads Service conceded that any infrastructure improvements, that may be necessary for the development of North Foreshore, should be identified through a transport assessment at planning application stage rather than through a requirement in the Plan.  


-     Zoning BHA 01 Titanic Quarter - A Development Framework has been agreed with Planning Service therefore the Draft BMAP Zones A to G should be removed as they are overly prescriptive. Planning Service stated that it would continue to be necessary to restrict the size and type of office development in the Titanic Quarter area in order to protect the city centre and this would be reflected in policy.


-     Gasworks Estate - The Council proposed the development of the Gasworks Northern Fringe through the extension of the Development Opportunity Site and Gateway designation through reference to the Masterplan for the site. Planning Service agreed to extend the Development Opportunity Site designation and the gateway designation to reflect the current Masterplan process for the Northern Fringe and the scale of development that could be accommodated.


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-     Kennedy Way Park & Ride - The Council made representations challenging the location of the proposed site at Kennedy Way and seeking consideration of the potential for existing provisions at Blacks Road and Sprucefield to be made permanent. It was suggested that the proposed location was too close to the city centre and could have detrimental affect on the air quality in the vicinity. The Roads Service response stated that Kennedy Way was as part of an overall park & ride strategy for the city and it would be problematic to continue use of existing temporary sites due to capacity and land acquisition issues. 


-     Urban Trees - The Council made a representation seeking inclusion of a statement regarding the importance of urban trees and commitment to protect trees through monitoring and enforcement. The Department recognised there was merit of protecting urban trees and that a statement should be included in Draft BMAP.


Resource Implications




      No additional financial implications in respect of participation in the public inquiry process.




      Members are asked to note the information provided in the report.


Key to Abbreviations


BMAP               Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan

RDS                  Regional Development Strategy

PAC                   Planning Appeals Commission

SEL                   Strategic Employment Location

MEL                  Major Employment Location”


            The Committee noted the information provided.


Supporting documents: