Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware that at the Development Committee meeting of 14 November 2007, approval was given to undertake a music event in Nashville, Tennessee and to attend the South by Southwest (SXSW) Media Conference and Showcase in Austin, Texas.  The project was a collaboration between the Council’s Economic Development and Tourism units.


      The connection with Nashville has a special significance because of the very strong links between Ulster and the Tennessee capital which dates from the Scots-Irish settlement of the area in the eighteenth century.  A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Mayor of Nashville and the Lord Mayor of Belfast in 1994 and this has resulted in many collaborations.  


      It was proposed that to further develop this relationship, a music showcase in Nashville as part of the Sister Cities meeting would be beneficial and would coincide with the South by Southwest festival thus creating a bigger impact.


      BelfastCity Council has identified creative industries as a priority sector in relation to economic development and has been successfully supporting the sector strategically since 2004.  A key area in supporting the creative sector in Belfast has been internationalisation and export related activity.  As part of this ongoing intervention, it was proposed that BelfastCity Council help strengthen the City’s creative sector in the international marketplace by participating and showcasing at South by Southwest 2008. 


Key Issues


      In July 2007, BelfastCity Council’s Tourism Development Unit in partnership with the Northern Ireland Industry Music Commission (NIMIC) planned and delivered a Belfast Nashville showcase concert in Belfast.  This event was attended by a significant contingent from Nashville including the Mayor of Nashville.


      Through the Council’s Sister City relationship with Nashville, the Mayor was keen to look at the possibility of mutual showcasing in Nashville and at South by Southwest.  As a result, it was proposed that the Belfast showcasing artists travel to the city of Nashville before participation at South by Southwest.  A joint showcase event was organised to celebrate the Sister City relationship in ‘MusicCity’ and provide an opportunity for the artists and related businesses to rehearse and consolidate the showcase event at SXSW. A separate report will come to Committee on an action plan for the Nashville/Belfast relationship.


      South by Southwest 2008 is the premier global event focusing on the creative side of the music and entertainment business which takes place annually in Austin, Texas in March.  It involves a conference and exhibition – attended by more than 10,000 people and a variety of showcases with performances from over 1500 acts on 75 stages throughout the city. 


      SXSW remains the key US showcasing, deal striking, networking and media forum for the international media industry and attendance at the event remains a key priority for all of those interested in the business of media and creativity. The event mirrors showcases such as MIPIM and MAPIC (Retail Property Exhibition) in its ability to attract participants and outputs.


      The aim of attending SXSW was to further enhance Belfast City Council’s support for the creative industries by promoting Belfast musicians and music related businesses to an international audience and showcasing the investment and purchasing opportunities offered by Belfast’s music industry.

Participation aimed:


-     To appreciate, value and celebrate Belfast’s creative sector

-     To provide networking opportunities for those working in Belfast’s music sector and potential buyers and distributors in the world music industry

-     To attract up to 5 Belfast based musicians to participate

-     To identify new sales opportunities

-     To promote Belfast as a city for tourism, business development and inward investment

-     To identify new investment and partnership opportunities

-     To increase the profile of Belfast’s creative sector in the international marketplace

-     To increase the number of Belfast companies doing business internationally


      On initial consultation with those participating, the project was deemed one of the most ambitious and successful showcasing events to date in relation to the creative industries.  Early indications show that a total of $450,000 was leveraged for participating artists as a result of their attendance and this figure looks set to increase over the coming months.  The only negative feedback received from participants was that of lack of time to prepare for the trip and that a longer lead in time would have provided them with the opportunity to prepare additional marketing material and arrange a greater number of meetings.


      A full feedback report detailing outcomes and comments on both the Nashville and South by Southwest visits is available on  This is the evaluation of the Showcase in a short time period but indicates already significant leverage from the process.  It is therefore recommended that Committee agree to Belfast participating in South by Southwest for the next two years at a cost of £40,000 per year and that a review is carried out at the end of the three year cycle.


      To maximise our outputs it is crucial that planning starts much earlier in the year, this will allow for better resource usage, to lever cash and to potentially include a greater number of partners in the project.  There is also the potential to strengthen the linkage between Belfast, Nashville and South by Southwest and this is currently being further explored.


Resource Implications




      £80,000 to be included in Departmental Plan for 09/10 and 10/11 (expenditure for event for 09/10 financial year)


      Human Resources


      Co-ordinated by the Head of Economic Initiatives and implemented by the Creative Industries Officer and Cultural Tourism Officer.




      Members are asked to:


1.   Note the contents of the report


2.   Agree to supporting Council participation at the South by Southwest Media Conference and Festival for 2009 and 2010 up to a maximum of £80,000 for both events.


Key to Abbreviations


      SXSW – South by Southwest”


            Following discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations contained within the foregoing report.


Supporting documents: