Agenda item


Smithfield Market Letting


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 22nd September, 1999, it had granted authority for the Director, in consultation with the Chairman, to approve the terms of future lettings at Smithfield Market, subject to those terms being reported retrospectively to the Committee.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reported that Unit 1 had been let to Mr. Jim Kyle, 19 Clonbeg Drive, Newtownabbey, at a cost of £153 per month, for the sale of computer parts, computer games and related second hand products.




Trader/Customer Vehicle Parking at St. George’s Market


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Committee that, since the refurbished St. George’s Market had re-opened in 1999, discussions had been held on a regular basis with the Roads Service, the Police and the traders regarding car parking issues and that various locations had been used for both traders and customers to park.


            She informed the Committee that correspondence, together with a petition, had been received from traders and customers requesting that the Council buy an area of land at the corner of East Bridge Street and Cromac Street which was owned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive but leased to the Roads Service for the purpose of providing a car park.  The site which had operated as a pay and display car park was closed currently due to the major works which were being undertaken in the area in connection with the Belfast Sewer Project.


            It had been ascertained that the Roads Service’s lease on the site expired in April 2009, part of which had been identified for a road alignment scheme.  In addition, since the Northern Ireland Housing Executive only held its evaluations for a six month period, it had not been possible to ascertain the value of the site.  She pointed out that a privately-operated car park had opened recently at the corner of East Bridge Street and Stewart Street beside Central Station and that Council officers and the market traders were endeavouring to negotiate a price for the use of space within that car park for traders and customers using St. George’s Market.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided by the Head of Economic Initiatives and agreed that the traders be advised that it would not be feasible at present for the Council to purchase the land at the corner of East Bridge Street and Cromac Street.


Smithfield Market


            Several Members expressed the view that the Council was concentrating its promotional work on St. George’s Market to the detriment of Smithfield Market.  In addition, traders in the North Street area believed that the Department for Social Development was ignoring that area of the City.


            In reply, the Chairman indicated that he, together with the Market’s Development Officer, met with the traders in Smithfield Market on a monthly basis and that the Council’s Corporate Communications Section was developing promotional opportunities regarding the Smithfield Market.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives informed the Committee that a report would be submitted to the June meeting regarding the proposals which Westfield Shoppingtowns Limited had to develop the Castlecourt Shopping Centre and its likely effect on Smithfield Market.  She pointed out that the report would also outline possible locations for markets across the City.





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