Agenda item


            (Mr. M. Stanley, Project Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee was advised that the Ulster Hall had been completed in 1862 in accordance with the plans which had been prepared by the architect, W. J. Barre.  In 1882 a glazed canopy had been added to the front of the porte cochere at the Bedford Street entrance which, in turn, had been replaced by the current canopy in 1994.


            The Managing Director of the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Halls indicated that the refurbishment work being undertaken currently to the Hall included the repair and redecoration of the front façade and the provision of a glazed entrance porch to the South side which would permit level access to the building.  It was envisaged that the new porch, which would complement the original classical detailing, would become the principal point of entry, thus negating the need for the canopy at the front of the Hall.  He pointed out that a request to remove the original canopy had been submitted to both the Planning Service and the Environment and Heritage Service and neither organisation had raised any objection.  He indicated that there were a number of reasons why the canopy at the main entrance to the Ulster Hall should be removed, including:


(i)     it was not an original feature of the building;


(ii)    it cluttered the front elevation of the building;


(iii)   it encouraged loitering and anti-social behaviour at the front of the building; and


(iv)   it would enable the original classic proportions of the Hall to be seen and would provide a more welcoming and united frontage.


            During discussion in the matter, several Members expressed the view that the current canopy was in keeping with the building and, since one had been in situ for all but the first twenty years of the building’s existence, it should be retained.  Concern was expressed that applications had been made to both Planning Service and the Environment and Heritage Service to remove the canopy prior to the matter being discussed by the Committee.  Other Members indicated that the existing colour of the front of the Hall should be changed during the refurbishment and enquired as to whether the lamps at the front of the building would be retained and when the coat of arms at the top of the front elevation had been replaced with an Ulster badge.


            In response, the Project Manager indicated that the Environment and Heritage Service had been consulted regarding the possible removal of the canopy since it was providing considerable funding towards the refurbishment work.  In addition, guidance had been sought from it and the Planning Service to enable their views to be reported to the Committee so as to enable it to take an informed decision.  He assured the Committee that the lamps would remain at the front of the Ulster Hall.  He indicated that he would present a report to the August meeting of the Committee which would provide options regarding the colour scheme for the front elevation and include information regarding the coat of arms at the front of the building.


            Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that the glazed canopy at the main entrance of the Ulster Hall be retained and noted that a further report would be submitted to its meeting in August.


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