Agenda item


Conference Subvention


            The Committee agreed, under the terms of the Council’s Subvention Policy, that £1,000 be allocated to assist with the costs of the Northern Ireland Gas Industry Conference to be held in September.


Hospitality and Retail Sectors Project


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 16th January, it had been advised that financial assistance had been obtained from the European Social Fund to enable the Council to implement a training programme which would assist local unemployed people obtain work in the hospitality and retail sectors.


            She indicated that it would be necessary for a tendering exercise to be undertaken in order to select the company to deliver the programme.  In order to expedite the procurement process, she recommended that the Committee agree to delegate authority to the Director, in consultation with the Chairman, to accept the most advantageous tender received.


            In answer to questions from a Member, she indicated that it had been estimated that the project would cost in the region of £495,000 and that the Council’s contribution in the first year would be £30,000.  She undertook to circulate to the Committee further information regarding the project.


            Following further discussion, the Committee agreed to delegate authority to the Director, in consultation with the Chairman, to accept the most advantageous tender received in order to undertake the hospitality and retail sectors project.


Sister Cities International 2008 Annual Conference


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Members that the Sister Cities International Annual Conference would be taking place in Belfast in 2009.  This would be the first time that the event had been held outside the United States and had the potential to contribute at least £2.5 million to the local economy.


            She reported that the organisation’s 2008 Conference would be held in Kansas from 16th till 19th July and would provide the Council with an opportunity to promote and market the 2009 Conference.  She pointed out that the cost of each delegate attending the Conference would be approximately £2,200 if they travelled on economy class flights and £4,020 if business class flights were used.


            The Committee agreed that it be represented at the Sister Cities International 2008 Annual Conference by the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director (or their nominees).


            During discussion a Member indicated that he was of the view that some years previously the former Policy and Resources Committee had agreed that business class flights may be booked where Members or officers were undertaking flights of more than three hours in duration.  The Committee requested that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be requested to clarify this matter.


            Other Members expressed the view that, since the Committee needed to ensure that ratepayers’ money was spent wisely, the party should fly economy class.


            After further discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Rodgers,

Seconded by Councillor Crozier,


      That the party travelling to the Sister Cities International 2008 Annual Conference in Kansas should fly business class.




Moved by Councillor Kelly,

Seconded by Councillor Attwood,


      That the party travelling to the Sister Cities International 2008 Annual Conference in Kansas should fly economy class.


            On a vote by show of hands four Members voted for the amendment and five against and it was accordingly declared lost.


            Accordingly, the Committee agreed, with five Members voting for and four against that business class flights be booked for those attending the Sister Cities International 2008 Annual Conference.



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