Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      In January 2007 the former Development (Arts) Sub-Committee agreed a proposal for the use of a database system and digital sound recorders to facilitate groups involved in the community archive process. This was to be used as a mechanism to capture the value of Belfast’s heritage and deliver benefit to citizens.


      Community archives is an established and still developing methodology which enables communities to capture, preserve, communicate and retain ownership of  their heritage.  Material collected as part of the scheme includes oral histories, photographs and connections to other archives. Further advantages of Community Archives are the application of professional standards in a voluntary context, skills development and social cohesion.


      Since the report in January 2007 a number of key activities have taken place which have validated the Community Archive approach.


      An initial £50,000 from the Department of Finance and Personnel has enabled the design and set-up of the overall NI Community Archive website.  Resources in kind have also been provided by the BBC, the CausewayMuseum Service and BelfastCity Council.  This new NI Community Archive website is locally specific to conditions in Northern Ireland and is of the highest international quality standard.


Key Issues


      The NI Community Archive website has been developed to the highest standards which will ensure that material, once collected, will be preserved and available, including audio, video, photographs and written records. The project will provide technical services, specialist training and support. 


      The Community Archive process supports Aim 2.2 of the Integrated Cultural Strategy to ‘provide support and creative responses to the social and political challenges in the City’, and Objective G to ‘build capacity through work with arts and heritage organizations and practitioners’.


      The project answers a real need for a joined-up approach and delivers on key strategic goals, including:


-     enabling as many people as possible to experience and appreciate the excellence of our cultural assets


-     promoting creativity and innovation and lifelong learning


-     encouraging respect for and celebration of diversity


-     ensuring the sustainable management of our cultural infrastructure


-     develop and deliver quality cultural products and services


-     reform and modernise service delivery.


      To ensure continuity, a steering group is actively seeking Central Government support.  The Public Record Office is very positive about the process and, as well as providing limited support from revenue budgets in the new year, may facilitate a development worker.


      The quality, practical support and cross-cutting nature of the NI Community Archive means that it has the potential to deliver cost?effectively on a wide range of heritage objectives within Belfast, especially when certain core costs are carried externally.


      The Heritage Lottery Fund has suggested that it would be acceptable to include costs associated with community archive service provision in projects they fund, and they would welcome the opportunity to support such projects, given that the process provides some guarantee of proper procedure.


      It is therefore proposed that Members agree to continued involvement in the process with a projected spend of £15,000 in the year 2009-2010.


Resource Implications




      £15,000 which is included in the draft revenue estimates for 2009-2010 of the Culture and Arts Unit.




      It is recommended that Members note:


Continued approval for the Community Archive process and engagement with the NI Community Archive group.


      It is further recommended that Members agree:


Approval of the allocation of £15,000 from the 2009-10 Culture and Arts Budget (subject to approval of the draft revenue estimates)




      DCAL      Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations contained within the foregoing report.



Supporting documents: