Agenda item


Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework


            The Director advised the Committee that TTC International, the company which had been awarded the tender to develop, in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, an Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework for Belfast was keen to undertake in February a workshop for Members in order to hear their views on the matter.


            She informed the Members that the Tourist Board had indicated that it wished to be allocated two seats on the Steering Group which would be established to manage the implementation of the Framework and that it was considered that the Committee should have equal representation on the Group.  Accordingly, she recommended that the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman be appointed to represent the Committee on the Steering Group.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation and agreed that those Members of the Committee who so wished be authorised to attend the workshop which TTC International would be holding in February.


Fourth AnnualAll Island Infrastructure

Investment Conference


            The Committee agreed, under the terms of the Council’s Subvention Policy, that £1,500 be allocated to assist with the costs of the holding of the Fourth Annual All Island Infrastructure Investment Conference to be held in March.


Human Security in the 21st Century Conference


            The Committee agreed, under the terms of the Council’s Subvention Policy, that £1,500 be allocated to assist with the costs of the organisation of the Human Security in the 21st Century Conference to be held in April.


Retail Conference 2009


            The Director informed the Members that Belfast City Centre Management intended to organise in the Spring a Conference to discuss the current state of the retail sector in Belfast and its immediate and mid to long term future.  Since the Company intended to keep the conference fee to a minimum in order to encourage delegates to attend, it had requested that the Committee provide a sum of £5,000 towards the cost of organising the Conference.


            She reminded the Committee that the Council was supporting and developing actively the retail sector in the City.  The Conference would, therefore, provide the Council with an opportunity to highlight the work which it was undertaking currently in this regard and to work with the retail sector to develop a response plan to the current economic crisis.  Accordingly, she recommended that the Committee provide £5,000 to Belfast City Centre Management in connection with its Retail Conference 2009.


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation.


Nashville Sister Cities Event


            The Director reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 10th December, it had agreed to participate in a Sister Cities celebration event scheduled to be held in Nashville on 17th March.


            She informed the Committee that the Queen’s University of Belfast had advised the Council recently that, since it had a strategic relationship with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, it would be keen to be represented at the event.  She pointed out that, as the Council was responsible for organising the event, it would be necessary for the Committee to agree to the University’s participation.


            The Committee agreed accordingly, on the understanding that this would be at no additional cost to the Council.


            The Director reminded the Committee that the late Katherine Brick and her husband Ian had been instrumental in the creation of the Sister City link between Belfast and Nashville.  To honour Katherine’s memory, she suggested that the Council should provide for an annual “Katherine Brick” award which would be presented at the music event to be held in Nashville each year.


            The Committee agreed with this suggestion.


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