Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The purpose of this report is to update Members on the planning of the Belfast Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge 2009.  At a Special Development Committee in September 2007, Members agreed to Council funding of £1.077m and delivery mechanisms for the event which is taking place between 13 and 16 August. 


      Councillors are reminded that the Tall Ships Races are organised by Sail Training International.  In 2006 STI announced that Belfast would be a host port for 2009 as part of a trans-Atlantic race.  The event in Belfast will take place over 4 days, between 13 and 16 August, at the end of a four month Atlantic sailing that will see ships sail from Vigo, Tenerife, Bermuda, Charlestown, Boston and Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Approximately 400,000 people are expected to visit the City during the event, which will cost approximately £3.2 million to deliver.  This will create a legacy £1 million of infrastructural developments required to accommodate the vessels, with the estimated financial return to Belfast being £10 million and a target of 88,000 out-of-state visitors expected.


      The event will be delivered in partnership with Belfast Harbour Commissioners via a specifically created delivery company, Belfast Tall Ships 2009 Limited.


Key Issues


      Contractual Matters


      Contracts have been signed between BCC and STI to deliver the event.  In addition BCC and BHC have a separate agreement regarding their working relationship, along with a funding  contract between the BCC and BTS09 Ltd.


      Governance & Partners


      The Board of BTS09 Ltd has a range of individuals from a number of public, voluntary and private sector organisations, with Councillors McCann and Stoker representing BCC, along with BCC officer support.  The Chair of the BTS09 Ltd is held by Dr Gerard O’Hare, of Parker Green International, based in Newry.  In addition to the Board of BTS09, six sub-committees have been created to assist in the delivery of the event.  Alongside these a Governance Board, headed by the Chief Executives of BCC and BHC supported by senior Directors and officers of both organisations has been established to ensure that all mechanisms are robust and appropriately designed to give the highest level of public transparency and accountability.




      As stated above, the overall event will cost £3.2 million to deliver.  Funding has been secured from the following bodies:  BCC - £1.077m; NITB - £500k; DCAL - £400k; BHC - £430k and DSD ? £100k.  The remaining £700k will be secured through sponsorship and income streams created by the event.




      In total, 45 to 50 ships are expected to attend, with up to 18 Class A and B vessels. The number of Class A and B vessels is impressive given that the 1991 event had only 2 Class A vessels.  All the ships will be open to the public during the event.  The following ships will be in Belfast, subject to contractual arrangements, and others are currently being targeted.


Ship                               Country of Origin             Class

Europa                          Holland                              A

Captain Miranda          Uruguay                             A

Tenacious                     UK                                      A

Bounty                           USA                                    A

CisneBranco               Brazil                                  A

Mystic                            USA                                    A

Kaliakra                         UK                                      A

StavrosNiarchos         UK                                      A

Pelican                          UK                                      A

Jeanie Johnston          Ireland                                A

Atlantis                          Holland                              A

Oostererschelde         Holland                              A

Etoile                             France                                B

Belle Poule                   France                                B





      Given the history and potential size of the event, the board of BTS09 have agreed to appoint four official charities.  Previous events in Liverpool and Waterford have provided tens of thousands of pounds for their nominated charities and the Belfast event anticipates a similar result. 


      Trainees and Volunteers


      Over 200 people from Belfast and other Council areas have committed to become volunteers at the event.  An additional 200 applications were received for trainees to take part in sailing trips.  After a rigorous assessment process the initial applications from trainees was narrowed down to 50, 25 of which will sail from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Belfast, with the remaining 25 sailing from a variety of UK, Irish and European ports to Belfast.  Both these processes have been assisted by the Council’s Community Development Section and input from other Councils within Northern Ireland.




      Along with the key funding partners BTS09 Ltd has had significant input from the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau, Translink, PSNI, NIFRS, NIAS, the Ocean Youth Trust, the Odyssey Trust, Sheridan Group, W5, MCA, plus others.  All of these organisations are represented at various levels within the Board and committee structures of BTS09 Ltd.




      The key marketing activities are being facilitated by BVCB with its Director of Marketing chairing the Marketing and Income Committee.  The overall promotional activities will operate on three key strands: 


1.   Domestic marketing covering Belfast and Northern Ireland

2.   Republic of Ireland marketing, which will target the border counties and

3.   The Belfast/Dublin corridor and GB marketing which will target key surface and air links that operate to Belfast.


      Site Locations and Content


      The event will be staged between the main City centre harbour locations.  These will include Queen’s Quay and AbercornBasin

(beside the Odyssey), Clarendon Dock (behind the Harbour Commissioners’ Office) and Albert Quay (previously the Stena ferry terminal).  These sites will contain amongst other attractions, fun fairs, continental markets, entertainment spaces, exhibition marquees, interactive children’s areas and roaming performances.


Resource Implications


      Human Resources


      Existing resources for the event are in place and these include a fixed-term contract post within BCC structures.


      Economic Impact


      It is estimated that this event should generate a minimum of £10m for the local economy.  Newcastle City Council estimated their 2005 event generated £45m.




      BelfastCity Council has committed £1,077 million to the event.  This funding has been matched from sources that include, NITB, DCAL and DSD. 




      Committee are asked to note the above report.




BCC                Belfast City Council

NITB               Northern Ireland Tourist Board

DCAL              Department of Culture Arts & Leisure

BHC                Belfast Harbour Commissioners

DSD                Department of Social Development

PSNI               Police Service of Northern Ireland

NIFRS             Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

BVCB              Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau

STI                  Sail Training International

NIAS                Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

BTS09 Ltd      Belfast Tall Ships 2009 Limited

MCA                Marine Coastguard Agency

GB                  Great Britain


            The Committee noted the contents of the foregoing report.


Supporting documents: