Agenda item


            The Director reminded the Committee that Community Development Project Grants were awarded to organisations which supported and strengthened local efforts to enhance and improve the quality of life within a neighbourhood or area.  The maximum amount which could be awarded to any one group under this scheme was £500.  She indicated that the maximum amount which could be awarded to a Community Group under the authority delegated currently to the Director of Development in any one financial year was also £500.  In previous years, in order to permit applications received under the Christmas Community Chest, which enabled organisations to hold events during the Christmas period for local residents, to be processed using this delegated authority the former Client Services Committee had approved the payment of Community Development Project Grants.  This was now the responsibility of the Development Committee and it would be necessary, therefore, for it to approve the payment of grants.


            She reported that 100 Project Grant applications had been received, 89 of which had been recommended for grant-aid and it was proposed that a total of £41,250 be allocated in this regard.


            The Committee considered the applications which had been received and agreed to adopt the recommendations set out below:











Clarawood Community Centre



Friends of Shankill House



Lower Woodstock Community Association



St. Colmcilles Wednesday Club



Sub Total









174 Older Peoples Group



Ardavon Senior Citizens Group



Ardoyne Association



Artillery Young Mothers Group



Ben Madigan Historical Society



Benview Community Centre



Brookvale Seniors Group



Carrickhill Thursday Senior Citizens Club



Cliftonville Community Centre



Dance Starz Dance Group



Docksiders Senior Mens Group



Dolphin Womens Group



Donegall Park Avenue Community Association



Forever Young Club



Glenbank Community Association



Grapevine Seniors Club



Harbour Lights Senior Womens Group



Indian Senior Citizens Club



Jennymount Craft Circle



Kropka PL



Ligoniel Family Centre



Loughside Football Club



Lower Oldpark Community Association



Lower Oldpark Friendship Club



Midland Art Club



Midland Senior Citizens Club



North Belfast Cultural Society



Sacred Heart Pensioners Social Club



Shared History Interpretive Project (SHIP)



Shore Crescent Friendship Club



Silver Threads Club



St. Kevins Senior Citizens Group



St. Marys Ladies Group



Trinity New Lodge Senor Citizen Club



Westland Community Group



Whitecity C.Development Association



Woodvale Mens Group



York Road Civil Defence & Bowling Club



Sub Total











Annadale & Haywood Residents Association



Ballynafeigh Community Development Association



Belfast Holyland Regeneration Association



Chinese Welfare Association



Ellis Court Residents Association



Lower Ormeau & Botanic Environmental Association



Men Utd



N.I.Committee for Refugees & Asylum Seekers



PolishSaturday School  in Belfast



Sandy Row Community Association



Southcity Resource & Development Centre



St. John Viannie Senior Citizens Club



Taughmonagh Community Forum



Taughmonagh Residents Association



The Bridge Community Association



Women's Information Group



Women's Information Group



Sub Total









An Munia Tober (Afterschools)



An Munia Tober (Arts)



An Munia Tober (Youth)



Church of the First Born Senior Citizens Club



Conway Pensioners Group



Conway Youth Centre



Divis Youth Project



Forthspring Inter Community Group



Forum For Action on Substance Abuse & Suicide Awareness



Glencairn Residents Group



Glencolin Residents Association



Greater Andersonstown Safer Neighbourhood Project



Greater Shankill Senior Citizens Forum



Hannahstown Community Association



Hannahstown Seniors Group



Highfield 50+



Holy Trinity Centre Monday Club



Immaculata Junior Football Club



Interface Residents Group



Link Women's Group



Link Youth & Young Adult Group



Lower Andersonstown Mothers Support



Lower Shankill Community Association




WEST (continued)



Middle Andersonstown Festival Committee



Mountainview Pensioners Association



Sherbrook Senior Citizens



St. James Community Forum



St. Pauls Disability Care Group



Upper Springfield Dev.Company Action on Disability Project



West Belfast Senior Citizens Forum



Sub Total


















Men Matter


Application Withdrawn

Newlodge/Duncairn Community Health Partnership


Application Withdrawn

Polish Community Centre Cooltura


No evidence of elected Committee or Board structure

Sailortown Arts and Crafts



Application incomplete and/or relevant information not submitted

Sailortown Cultural & Historical Society


Application incomplete and/or relevant information not submitted

Sailortown Regeneration Group



Application incomplete and/or relevant information not submitted

Woodvale Women's Group



Application incomplete and/or relevant information not submitted


Group has free use of a Centre directly managed by the Council

Woodvale Yount At Heart Club



Application incomplete and/or relevant information not submitted







St. John Viannie Youth Centre


Formal Youth Organisation







Arellian Parents Group



Pre school or nursery provision for under 5s

Cairnlodge Amateur Boxing Club


Sports Club


            Arising from discussion in this matter, a Member expressed concern at the small number of applications from groups in East Belfast and he requested that the Department encourage organisations in that area of the City to apply for financial assistance.


            In reply, the Director informed the Committee that a considerable amount of work had been undertaken in order to encourage groups in the East of the City to apply.  However, very few groups had submitted applications and she pointed out that her Department had noticed a similar response rate from that part of Belfast in connection with other grants which were available.



Supporting documents: