Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Background Information


      This report provides general updates on progress for the Renewing the Routes Programme and seeks endorsement of proposed actions, including amendments to identified projects, the reallocation of resources and proposals in relation to two art pieces.


      The report also provides clarification of the issues raised at the previous Committee, outlines a partnership request from the Belfast Regeneration Office and seeks approval for a review of the current Renewing the Routes activity with a view to securing the capacity of the Council to carry out targeted local regeneration activity following the completion of the current Renewing the Routes Programme that ends in March 2010.


Key Issues


      Update on progress made with the Renewing the Routes Programme


      Through the Renewing the Routes Programme, the Council continues to develop and lead targeted local regeneration. The Renewing the Routes is a focussed approach to enhancing the vitality of these roads through the implementation of integrated regeneration plans in the Shankill, Falls, Crumlin and Springfield Road areas.


      The challenging programme for each of the areas remains on target in terms of project completions and spend profiles.  Work across the four broad areas has seen over 190 properties benefit from the Commercial Improvement Programme and with the increasing popularity/participation rates within the Programme it is anticipated that a further 160 properties will be completed by March 2010. This emphasis has made this element of the Programme the focus of the transformation within the target regeneration areas. 


      Complementary key initiatives include the Glenbank and Ardoyne public realm projects within the Crumlin area, environmental improvements and public pieces within the upper Springfield area, completion of environmental works to the St Peters area of Falls and the completion of works to Woodvale Presbyterian Church and Shankill Rest Garden in the Shankill.


      Programme Variations


      Members are asked to approve the proposed variations resulting from the continued review of activity and refinement of the final project implementation for the Renewing the Routes Programme.


      Shankill Road


      Committee previously approved the procurement of public art for a site within the Shankill part funded by a £10,000 contribution from the Integrated Development Fund (IDF). Following further consultation and discussions with the funding parties it is considered that the commissioned art piece of a ‘Millie’ could be more appropriately located on the Crumlin Road. Discussions with the Housing Executive have identified the potential for the temporary location of the ‘Millie’ at the site on junction of Clifton Park Avenue and Crumlin Road. This temporary installation would be an interim stage prior to the objective of securing a permanent location as part of proposed redevelopments fronting onto the Crumlin Road.


      This relocation would necessitate a change in the funding arrangement as the agreed Shankill Road IDF allocation could not be applied to a project on the Crumlin Road. It is therefore proposed that the previously agreed contribution to the art piece is met from within existing Departmental budgets.


      The variations proposed are in respect of four previously identified projects at the Peters Hill gateway site amounting to £50,000.  The original proposal and allocations were intended to support public realm enhancements including environmental projects in partnership with other agencies.  In the absence of the anticipated parallel activity in the area, it is proposed that the fund be utilised to supplement the ongoing commercial improvement scheme. Approval is therefore requested for the reallocation of the resources identified for the Peters Hill gateway project to supplement the Commercial Improvements Programme, including the properties within the immediate Peters Hill area.


      Springfield Road


      The landscaping project for the area adjacent to the Springfield/Whiterock Road junction is at final design stage and taking account of the physical restrictions of the site includes a provision for a further piece of public art. A portion of the funding from this project will be used to create the new art piece within the open space area adjacent to the pylon. This element of the project would be delivered in partnership with the Council’s new Public Arts and Community Co-Ordination Officer.


      A two stage process is proposed to secure the development of the terms of reference for prospective artists and oversee the consideration and approval of the submissions from the appointed artist. In accordance with the public art procurement guidelines this will require a Steering Group to be established to oversee the process. The proposed steering group will comprise the Chair and Deputy Chair or nominees, Belfast City Council’s Renewing the Routes and Public Arts Officers, DRD Roads Service, NIHE, three nominations from Neighbourhood Renewal and the Upper Springfield Arts Manager. The panel will assess the submissions against an established brief based on the ongoing local engagement, appoint the artist to carry out further consultation (prior to the finalisation of the art piece concept) and assess the final submission based on this consultation and the original brief. The budget allocation for the piece, to include consultation by the appointed artist, will be £30,000 from the overall funding allocation identified for the environmental improvement scheme in the original action plan.


      St Peters area – Falls Road


      Following the further investigation of the proposal Members may wish to note that the proposed scheme will include commercial improvements (subject to agreement) to the two adjacent units. The proposal will also include differentiated footway resurfacing along the route that connects Falls Road to St Peters Cathedral.  The potential for an additional tourism sign for the area will also be considered as part of the overall project for this part of the Falls Road.


      Specific Project Proposal Information


      Members will note that at the June Committee meeting that the Committee agreed to defer consideration of that portion of the report relating to the Republican Sinn Fein property on the Falls Road to enable further legal advice to be obtained.


      The specific project proposal previously brought before the Committee related to a phase of the proposed commercial improvement works that would include the Republican Sinn Féin offices on Falls Road. The offices are located within a block of premises for which a package of cosmetic enhancements works were proposed as part of the ongoing comprehensive approach to the frontage refurbishments in this target area on the Falls Road.


      The legal advice sought from the Director of Legal Services has taken account of the clarification provided by Republican Sinn Féin in respect of their interest in the property. Committee may wish to note that the formal documentation provided by the organisation indicates that the property is in the ownership of a private individual with the organisation occupying the property by virtue of an agreement rather than a formal lease.


      Following consideration, Legal Services have advised that there is no legal impediment to doing these works as long as no money is expended on signage or other matters that could be construed as for political publicity. The fact that the group doesn’t actually own the premises themselves does not affect this advice. If the Council did not carry out the works at the premises, there is a possibility that the group could attempt to challenge the Council’s decision by way of Judicial Review. There is a possibility in this case that such a review may be successful. 


      In light of the advice provided by Legal Services it is suggested that the refurbishment works should be carried out at the property but restricted to the façade improvements and exclude any work to the building signage, as the signage would be considered to relate to political publicity.


      Belfast Regeneration Office Request for Partnership Activity


      The Belfast Regeneration Office on behalf of the Minister has approached the Council in relation to the potential for a partnership to develop a commercial frontages improvement scheme for the Newtownards Road. The request followed a presentation and representation by the Newtownards Road 2012 group in relation to the potential for the wider redevelopment of inner East Belfast. 


      The Department, with Committee approval, has previously provided technical support to the Belfast Regeneration Office where there were common objectives, programme overlap and the capacity to accommodate additional activity. These previous partnerships have included the development of environmental projects, public realm works and coordinated action in relation to derelict sites on arterial routes.


      As Members are aware the current Renewing the Routes local regeneration activity /resources are focussed on the delivery of the Integrated Development Fund in the West Belfast and Greater Shankill areas. The Newtownards Road area was previously included within the Brighter Belfast funded Arterial Routes Initiative with additional support secured from the Belfast Local Strategy Partnership.


      Committee may also wish to note that during the development of the Arterial Routes Initiative, the potential for a commercial refurbishment scheme was considered for the Newtownards Road. However, the prioritisation of regeneration activity carried out in consultation with the Partnership Board and other statutory agencies resulted in a focus on environmental enhancement projects and a partnership project for the development of Dr Pitt Park.


      Whilst the Belfast Regeneration Office has suggested a possible partnership it has been confirmed that there are currently no resources available to support such a scheme and the Minister has suggested that such schemes are often Council led. It should also be noted that the Council does not currently have a resource allocation for such activity in East Belfast.


      It is suggested that the Committee agrees to the Department exploring the potential for a formal partnership with the Belfast Regeneration Office, based on the work carried out under the Renewing the Routes Initiative, that would seek to clarify potential funding and management responsibilities.


      Review and future of Renewing the Routes Programme


      The proposal for the review of the current Renewing the Routes activity has been brought before Committee for consideration of the approach to securing the capacity of the Council to carry out targeted local regeneration activity following the completion of the current Renewing the Routes Programme in March 2010.


      The Renewing the Routes Team, which is responsible for a range of local regeneration functions, forms part of the Planning & Transport Unit. The Team currently comprises two Renewing the Routes Officers and four Assistants who are responsible to the Planning & Transport Policy Manager.


      The local regeneration resources were originally put in place to develop a pilot for focussed local regeneration to target activity across some of the most deprived parts of the City. The capital and revenue resources, at that time, were established on a fixed term basis reflecting the innovative nature of the work and the pilot activity proposed under the Brighter Belfast programme. 


      The work of the Team has, with Committee approval, continued to evolve in response to challenges identified and funding secured on the basis of the original detail scoping and prioritisation. In response to the pilot objectives the type of activity carried out has been varied encompassing direct implementation, plan development, consultation and partnership development as outlined in main body of this report.


      The initial pilot activity and the focussed work delivered through the Integrated Development Fund (IDF) in Shankill and West Belfast has highlighted both the benefits and successes of this local regeneration activity in focussed improvements across different parts of the City. The targeted improvements have helped transform local environments and contributed to the development of positive relationships and capacity building with local communities. This value and impact was recognised in the recent Local Government Chronicle Awards recognition and the ongoing survey feedback from participants and residents.


      The projected completion of the IDF works highlights the necessity to consider the ongoing activity and the potential for securing the capacity or resources for the Council to deliver future local regeneration projects. The current programme of IDF expenditure across the West Belfast and Greater Shankill Taskforce area is scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2010.


      It is proposed that the review of the Renewing the Routes considers the future capacity for the Council both in terms of the revenue funding for staff resources and the dedicated capital resources available for local regeneration projects. This overall objective for a comprehensive approach will require separate parallel processes which it is proposed are coordinated and brought back to a future Committee.


      The Committee is therefore requested to consider the approval of a review process that considers both the staff resources and implementation project funding required to effectively mainstream the capacity to deliver an ongoing programme of local regeneration activity for the Council.


Resource Implications


      There are no additional financial implications arising from the proposed reallocation of IDF resources between the different projects.




      Members are requested to:


1.      Note the updates set out within the report;


2.      Approve the reallocations of the previously agreed budgets of £50,000 in respect of the Peters Hill gateway site to supplement the Commercial Improvement budget for the Shankill Road;


3.      Approve the re-location of the proposed ‘Millie’ art piece and replacement of the agreed funding by £10,000 from within Departmental budgets;


4.      Approve the proposals for the art piece on the Springfield Road and the establishment of a steering group, including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee or their nominees, to oversee to consultation and procurement;


5.      Approve the environmental scheme in the St Peters area of the Falls Road;


6.      Agree that the refurbishment works to the Republican Sinn Féin premises, Falls Road, be restricted to façade improvements only since work to the building signage would be considered as relating to political publicity;


7.      Consider the request from the Belfast Regeneration Office for the Newtownards Road and approve exploratory work to clarify the basis for potential future partnership; and


8.      Approve a review process that considers both the staff resources and implementation project funding required to effectively mainstream the capacity to deliver an ongoing programme of local regeneration activity for the Council.


Decision Tracking


      Following Committee approval:


Recommendations 2-6


Detailed proposals will be developed for the scheme variations to facilitate final implementation. 

Timeframe: March 2010 Reporting Officer: Shirley McCay.


Recommendation 7


Discussions will be held with the Belfast Regeneration Office to establish the potential basis for future partnership activity. 

Timeframe: October 2010  Reporting Officer: Shirley McCay.


Recommendation 8


The recommendations in respect of the proposed review of existing renewing the routes activity to be brought back to Committee for consideration.

Timeframe: October 2010  Reporting Officer: Shirley McCay.


Key to Abbreviations


      IDF                        Integrated Development Fund

      BRO          Belfast Regeneration Office”


            In response to a Member’s question, the Director indicated that the current work being undertaken under the Renewing the Routes Initiative was being funded by the Integrated Development Fund which was only available for projects located in North and West Belfast.  However, the original Arterial Routes Programme had allocated money to all of the eleven arterial routes in the City and that an amount of £100,000 had been allocated to each main road.  She pointed out that agreement could not be reached with the local communities on how the money should be spent in East Belfast.  Eventually it had been agreed that the expenditure be used improve Dr. Pitt Park and to undertake signage work in and around the Thompson Dock.  The Belfast Regeneration Office had approached the Council regarding a potential partnership to develop a commercial frontages improvement scheme on the Newtownards Road.  However, she informed the Committee that the Regeneration Office currently had no financial resources to enable this work to be undertaken.


            After further discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided by the Director and adopted the recommendations contained within the report.


Supporting documents: